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while also addressing operational risks through
                                                                       appropriate barriers and disciplinary action when
                                                                       At a minimum, organisations should implement
                                                                       a policy that addresses prohibited behaviours or
                                                                       actions, if required. A company’s policy on drug
                                                                       and alcohol abuse should be formulated in con-
                                                                       sultation with employees and include prevention,
                                                                       education and awareness, leadership behaviours
                                                                       and culture, treatment, and rehabilitation, as well
                                                                       as details about drug and alcohol sampling and
                                                                       testing procedures.
                                                                       Companies should put barriers or mechanisms in
                                                                       place concerning ‘impaired cognitive function’ so
                                                                       that they can recognise the impairment, whether
                                                                       it is caused by the effects of drugs, alcohol, or
                                                                       other factors, before individuals get to the next
                                                                       stage, i.e., ‘impaired capability’. Therefore, a com-
                                                                       pany’s drug and alcohol policy must be aligned
                                                                       with its health and safety policy and should set out
                                                                       clear and consistent expectations regarding con-
                                                                       ditions of employment, employee behaviour, and
                                                                       the consequences of not meeting these expec-
                                                                       tations. The OCIMF guidelines recommend that
                                                                       companies set out in their policy a clear and con-
                                                                       sistent, legally compliant stand-down procedure
                                                                       for those cases where the drug or alcohol test is
                                                                       confirmed positive. Employees are expected to
                                                                       follow stand-down orders. Depending on the com-
                                                                       pany, role, and situation, this could mean standing
                                                                       down from all duties or standing down from safe-
                                                                       ty-critical duties only. The policy should also high-
                                                                       light and describe those situations or behaviours
                                                                       where disciplinary or other action will be taken,
                                                                       up to and including termination of employment.
                             Drug and alcohol use can occur in a range of dif-
                             ferent circumstances and can affect all kinds of  CHINA TAKES ACTION TO PREVENT
                             people who may not show obvious signs. Indeed,  ELECTROMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT
                             some signs may be caused by other factors alto-  FAILURES ON SHIPS
                             gether, such as anxiety, stress, or other mental   On 3 April 2024, the Maritime Safety Adminis-
                             or physical health problems. Shipping compa-  tration (MSA) of the People’s Republic of China
                             nies should raise awareness and understanding   issued a notice on the special action to prevent
                             of these health and wellbeing issues to avoid   mechanical and electrical equipment failures on
                             assumptions and biases, including unconscious   ships.
                             biases, and promote a psychologically safe envi-  In recent years, Chinese maritime authorities
                             ronment. The success of implementing a holis-  have paid particular attention to the major risks
                             tic drug and alcohol policy is directly related to   to ship safety caused by mechanical and electri-
                             leadership’s commitment to wellbeing, how it is   cal equipment failures. Shanghai MSA has issued
                             communicated, and how it is experienced across   the “Announcement of Shanghai Maritime Safety
                             a shipping company.                      Administration on Strengthening the Safety Man-
                             A clear and explicit drug and alcohol policy can   agement of Ships with Machinery Failure” and
                             benefit all entities involved in the industry. This   the “Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety
                             policy may be part of an overall health and safety   Self-inspection of Ships Planning to Enter the
                             policy, which could be linked to a company’s   Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel”. Through
                             health and wellbeing offering, thus ensuring a con-  the formulation and implementation of these spe-
                             sistent risk-based approach by combining a pre-  cific administrative regulations, the safety man-
                             ventive and supportive approach to help seafarers   agement of ships entering and leaving Shanghai

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