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                          Τhrough a seafarer's eyes

                          SHIPPING INDUSTRY CALLS FOR UN             The global shipping industry, reacting to the seizure
                          HELP AFTER IRAN’S REVOLUTIONARY            of the MSC Aries, has sent an urgent joint letter to
                          GUARDS SEIZE MSC ARIES AT THE              the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio
                          STRAITS OF HORMUZ                          Guterres, urging the UN to do more to protect mari-
                          Iran’s Revolutionary Guards seized the container ves-  time security and innocent seafarers. The open letter,
                          sel MSC Aries in the Strait of Hormuz days after Teh-  co-signed by 16 maritime industry associations and
                          ran vowed to retaliate for a suspected Israeli strike on   social partners, calls for assistance and for all mem-
                          its consulate in Damascus on 1 April. Iran had said it   ber states to be reminded of their responsibilities
                          could close the crucial shipping route. The 25 crew   under international law. In detail, the undersigning
                          members of the MSC Aries, which was seized by Iran   bodies stated:
                          on 13 April, are being gradually released.   “The maritime industry, represented by the organ-
                          The International Transport Workers’ Federation   isations behind this letter, are grateful for the rec-
                          (ITF), the leading seafarers’ union, said that their   ognition that the UN Security Council and you per-
                          priority was the welfare and safety of the seafarers   sonally have placed on the shipping industry and
                          onboard.                                   the importance of the free movement as set out in
                          Portugal’s foreign ministry summoned Iran’s ambas-  international law. We also thank and applaud IMO
                          sador to condemn the attack on Israel by Tehran   Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez for all the
                          and to demand the immediate release of the Portu-  hard work raising the profile of shipping and our sea-
                          guese-flagged ship.                        farers. However, the seizure of the MSC Aries by Ira-

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