P. 136


                                                                     mechanical and electrical equipment of ships enter-
                                                                     ing Chinese ports. In combination with the ship’s
                                                                     “Pre-departure inspection checklist”, the ship will
                                                                     have to conduct detailed technical inspections and
                                                                     tests on the main propulsion device and its auxiliary
                                                                     equipment, boilers, main power supply, emergency
                                                                     power supply, steering device, etc., to ensure that
                                                                     its mechanical and electrical equipment are in reli-
                                                                     able working status and well prepared for the forth-
                                                                     coming inspection.
                                                                     The shipping company must also assign sufficient
                                                                     and competent crew members onboard to meet
                                                                     various safety operation and emergency response
                                                                     requirements and ensure that the ship safety man-
                                                                     agement system (SMS), especially the parts related
                                                                     to the routine operations, maintenance, testing,
                                                                     emergency management, and accident/near miss
                                                                     reporting are effectively implemented. Crew mem-
                                                                     bers should be able to operate and test various
                                                                     mechanical and electrical equipment properly and
                                                                     effectively, in compliance with the corresponding
                                                                     procedures or instructions, report mechanical and
                                                                     electrical equipment failures related to accidents or
                                                                     near misses, and rectify the deficiencies identified
                          port has been further strengthened, effectively   therefrom.
                          reducing such risks and preventing and containing   The SMS should contain a drill and training plan
                          the occurrence of water traffic accidents.  that is relevant to mechanical and electrical equip-
                          The MSA’s special action was launched on 7 April   ment failures so that the ship can conduct drill or
                          2024 and will end on 31 October 2024. Its aim is to   on-scene training in accordance with the plan,
                          prevent ship mechanical and electrical equipment   improve the operation and emergency response
                          failures on ships entering Chinese ports (including   capabilities of the crew, and familiarise the crew
                          seaports and river ports).                 with the emergency response measures and their
                          The MSA will conduct detailed inspections at all   respective emergency responsibilities in the event
                          levels of ship mechanical and electrical equipment   of accidents caused by mechanical and electrical
                          in combination with their routine safety inspec-  failure. The emergency drills/training scenarios
                          tions. If it is discovered through various channels   related to mechanical and electrical equipment
                          that a ship has experienced mechanical and elec-  failures may include but are not limited to main
                          trical equipment failures, a special inspection will   engine (M/E) failure, M/E emergency local control,
                          be performed. For vessels that have experienced   blackout, emergency steering, operation, testing
                          two or more mechanical and electrical equipment   procedures for emergency generators, etc. If an
                          failures in the past 12 months, the MSA will invite   accident due to mechanical or electrical equipment
                          their shipping companies and ship inspection insti-  failure occurs, appropriate actions and measures
                          tutions to jointly carry out inspections and require   should be taken immediately to minimise or elimi-
                          that the ships submit accident analysis reports and   nate the adverse effects of the accident. The ship
                          preventive measures for mechanical and electrical   should also proactively report to the local MSA and
                          equipment failures.                        cooperate with and accept special safety inspec-
                          Additionally, ships experiencing mechanical or   tions by the local MSA.
                          electrical equipment failures should proactively   China’s maritime authorities have updated its ports’
                          report to the local maritime administration agency   risk assessment following the M/V DALI incident
                          and accept special safety inspections, as required.   in order to prevent the probability of a ship’s main
                          Those who fail to do so will face more stringent   engine and power systems failures. Especially after
                          and severe penalties in accordance with the law   the consequences of the M/V DALI incident on the
                          once discovered.                           Port of Baltimore, additional measures must be
                          This special action is similar to the “Concentrated   taken to minimise the possibility of a recurrence.
                          Inspection Campaign” scheme, organised by the   Finally, even in the extreme case of a recurrence, a
                          major PSC MoU around the world. During this   ship must be ready in all respects to limit the con-
                          special action, the Chinese MSA will inspect the   sequences by effectively responding to the incident.

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