P. 134
SHIPPING COMPANIES’ DRUG AND ication, recreational drug or alcohol use, drug or
ALCOHOL POLICIES alcohol dependency, and accidental exposure to
The Oil Companies International Marine Forum drugs or alcohol.
(OCIMF) and the entire maritime industry recog- When designing a policy and procedures in relation
nise the risks and potentially serious impacts asso- to the control of drugs and alcohol use, legal and
ciated with the use of drugs and alcohol, as their other medical professional advice should be sought
misuse can put the safety of maritime operations on the specific circumstances, including a review
at risk. There can also be legal requirements and of the legal authority in the country or jurisdiction
consequences in relation to drugs and alcohol in where workplace drug or alcohol testing may take
the maritime industry. The reasons for substance place.
use can be complex. The OCIMF has urged shipping Effective drug and alcohol use management is
companies, through its guidelines for the control of best focused on prevention. This should extend to
drugs and alcohol in the maritime industry, to adopt creating a culture where people feel able to come
a clear drug and alcohol policy that includes preven- forward with a problem and ask for help rather
tive and supportive measures as well as a testing than one that solely relies on disciplinary action.
programme and disciplinary measures. Creating How leaders respond will greatly influence future
an environment where individuals feel supported behaviours and reduce the associated stigma or
and able to ask for help is an essential aspect of barriers to seeking help. People are more likely to
managing the risk of substance abuse. come forward if they know they will be treated fairly,
For the purpose of the guidelines mentioned above, compassionately, and with respect. It is essential
drug and alcohol use is defined as the use of pre- to recognise the complexities around the use of
scribed and over-the-counter medication, self-med- drugs and alcohol.