P. 103
Myth Truth
There is a long queue of ships waiting The number of vessels outside the Panama Canal (approximately
to transit outside of the Panama Canal, 50) is on par with the amount expected under the current condi- Precipitation by fiscal year
causing a bottleneck. tions.
in the Panama Canal Watershed
FY 2023 - in terms of total rainfall
4,500 (1,988mm)-occupies the 1st
There is no end in sight to the Current forecasts indicate that steady rainfall is expected in late
drought-related transit restrictions in April and will continue for a few months. If this remains the case, position as the driest year in
the Panama Canal. the Canal plans to gradually ease transit restrictions, allowing Panama Canal records (fiscal
conditions to fully normalise by 2025. years 1951-2023)
Ships are waiting for prolonged periods More than three-quarters of vessels outside the Panama Canal
before they can transit the waterway. today have reservations and, therefore, will transit the Panama
Canal on a predetermined date with minimal to no waiting time.
The drought and transit restrictions Transits remain reliable so long as they are booked in advance,
have caused unreliability and a growing so the Canal urges its customers to make reservations ahead of
bottleneck at the Panama Canal. time.
The cost of transiting the Panama Canal Last year, mainly during the months of October and November,
is significantly more expensive than there was a surge in auction prices related to a market-driven
normal. congestion premium, though this is no longer the case. 2,500
Competing alternative routes may start While we are constantly monitoring potential projects that could
to impact the use of the Panama Canal compete with our route, we remain confident in our service and 2,000
route. are making investments to ensure we remain the most efficient,
reliable, and trusted partner for global trade.
The quality of water is less important This is simply not true. The Panama Canal has a constitutional Precipitation in milimeters (mm) 1,500
than the quantity of water conserved by mandate to manage lake water quality and quantity, with water
the Panama Canal. for human consumption a top priority. Maintaining salinity levels
within reference values and preventing any associated risks is
part of that responsibility, so the quality of water in Gatun Lake is
regularly monitored.
Panama is one of the world’s wettest While Panama may receive precipitation, rainfall has not oc-
countries. With frequent rain, the Pana- curred as consistently within the Panama Canal Watershed due
ma Canal should have plenty of water. to changes in weather patterns, exacerbated by the impacts of
climate change. 500
Solutions for strengthening water While no simple answer or single project will immediately solve
management at the Panama Canal are the challenge of water, the Canal is advancing a series of short-
unclear. term and long-term solutions.
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fiscal Year