P. 104
THE MARITIME ❶ Do you believe data sharing among ship-
ping industry stakeholders will be a driv-
ing force in shipping’s decarbonisation?
INDUSTRY’S I believe that data sharing can lead to the shipping
What is the role of RightShip in promoting
data sharing?
VISION FOR A industry developing new perspectives. In many
instances, the power of data to produce insights
comes through volume. The more data, the more
ZERO-HARM evidence to support an insight, understanding,
or pattern.
Most businesses recognise the value of the data
FUTURE they possess but often don’t have the ability to
unleash its full potential in assessing, analysing,
and delivering meaningful insights. The shipping
industry is particularly susceptible to letting quality
data languish without delivering value or advanc-
ing sustainability. This is due to a lack of neutral
stakeholders with the capabilities, reach, position,
resources, or intention to unlock such value for the
common good. RightShip can extract value from
large data sets by bringing together a host of expe-
rienced marine experts with data scientists, data
engineers, software developers, and technology
In this interview, RightShip’s Head of engineers using the latest technology available.
Commercial, Andy Symonds, talks about the Driven by our zero-harm vision for the maritime
pivotal role of data in propelling the industry, RightShip strives to use data-driven
shipping industry towards a zero-harm future. insights to their maximum potential. RightShip
Mr Symonds also shares his insights on the uses data sources that span all vessel sectors,
upcoming environmental regulations and the combining and overlaying data sets to provide
future of decarbonisation and delves into the unique and powerful understandings that impact
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. many aspects of shipping. While we live in an
increasingly interconnected world, the shipping
industry is quite conservative and cautious of
change, but data-driven insights can help it rise
with the tide.
❷ What are the first conclusions you have
drawn from the implementation of the
Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)? Does
RightShip plan to utilise the CII data in
the vetting process?
RightShip takes no position on the merits or oth-
erwise of the CII, which is seen largely as a reflec-
tion of an owner’s unique business and how their
vessels have been trading globally. The benefits or
impact of a CII rating on the vetting process are not
clearly evident. While charterers, as far as I have
heard, have shown no inclination towards using the
rating in the vetting process at this early discovery
stage of the CII, it is up to them to decide which
terms they choose to vet on.
Many people are holding back until a convincing case
is made for using the CII and the CII methodology is
Andy Symonds, finalised and stable. In future, RightShip will display
Head of Commercial at RightShip, the CII on its platform with the annual compliance
talks to Giannis Theodoropoulos
certificates, provided they are largely available.