P. 105

❸      Have there been any changes in the way   RightShip’s Crew Welfare Self-Assessment will
                                        shipping companies deal with the safety   be improved in the next few months to provide
                                        and security of their crews in light of the   a better insight and understanding of a vessel’s
                                        recent geopolitical developments?  crew. Expect more in this area in due course.
                                 The relentless barrage of geopolitical events
                                 over the past several years has had a profound  ❹  Considering that incidents have a higher
                                 impact on the shipping industry.                impact on the Safety Score than PSC
                                 A shipping company’s approach to crew safety    deficiencies, will RightShip review the
                                 and security varies, depending on the compa-    incidents’ weightage, and is there a plan
                                 ny’s risk appetite. Regarding the situation in   to share more details on the categorisa-
                                 the Red Sea, many container liners are being    tion of incidents with the market?
                                 diverted via the Cape of Good Hope, which is the   The weightings of the various Safety Score com-
                                 safest route. But I’ve heard that some trading   ponents, including incidents, are not currently
                                 companies in other sectors haven’t hesitated   under review. However, we are actively consid-
                                 to continue sending their chartered or owned   ering new data points that may lead to poten-
                                 vessels through the Red Sea. They often argue   tial adjustments in the future. Detailed incident
                                 that trade is untenable by any other route. They   categorisation information can be viewed on the
                                 hire armed guards and take other precautions,   RightShip Platform and our public website.
                                 sometimes paying crews’ risk bonuses and leav-
                                 ing the insurance company to cover the war risk.  ❺  Can RightShip offer more training and
                                 These are age-old practices for those willing to   expertise than Class Society surveyors
                                 gamble with a dangerous trade route.            and technical and oversight depart-
                                 In these situations, the crew’s voice usually goes   ments?
                                 unheard outside of internal crew discussions,   Crew training is not currently in RightShip’s pur-
                                 while the only thing that is heard is their accep-  view, but we are being increasingly asked about
                                 tance of a risk bonus. Hearing the crew’s voice   this. There have been ongoing discussions as
                                 in these and similar circumstances is a high-pri-  to what RightShip could offer or who RightShip
                                 ority task for RightShip. Charterers often ask for   could work with in this area beyond what is cur-
                                 tangible data-driven insights about the crew.   rently in the market.

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