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                                                                          introduce young people to various maritime
                                                                          professions and pathways.
                                                                       •   Internship and Apprenticeship Opportunities:
                                                                          The AMP facilitates internship and appren-
                                                                          ticeship programmes with maritime compa-
                                                                          nies, shipowners, and operators, even inside
                                                                          their offices, to provide practical experience
                                                                          and exposure to the industry. These pro-
                                                                          grammes allow young people to gain valuable
                                                                          insights, skills, and industry connections while
                                                                          exploring potential career paths.
                                                                       •   Promoting Maritime Culture and Heritage:
                                                                          The AMP promotes maritime culture and her-
                                                                          itage through educational initiatives, cultural
                                                                          events, and outreach programmes. By high-
                                                                          lighting Panama’s rich maritime history and
                                                                          traditions, the AMP aims to instil pride and
                                                                          interest in the maritime profession among
                                                                          young Panamanians.
                                                                       •   Industry Collaboration and Partnerships:
                                                                          The AMP collaborates with maritime indus-
                                                                          try stakeholders, professional associations,
                                                                          and international organisations to develop
                                                                          initiatives aimed at attracting and retaining
                                                                          young talent in the maritime sector, which
                                                                          include joint initiatives to address skills gaps,
                                                                          promote diversity, and create career develop-
          Photo                  to implement continuous improvement initia-  ment opportunities for young professionals.
          © Panama Canal Authority  tives and refine its service delivery processes.  •   Digitalisation  and Innovation:  The  AMP
                                                                          embraces digitalisation and innovation to
                              By implementing these strategies, The Pana-  make the maritime industry more attractive
                              manian Flag Registry can enhance its services,   to young people. This includes leveraging
                              strengthen its reputation, and maintain its position   technology, such as virtual reality simulations
                              as a trusted provider of flagging services in the   and e-learning platforms, to enhance train-
                              global maritime industry.                   ing and education experiences and showcase
                                                                          the dynamic and evolving nature of maritime
                                     Attracting young people to the mar-  careers.
                                     itime professions is proving to be a   •   Career Advancement and Support Services:
                                     great challenge for the shipping indus-  The AMP provides career counselling, men-
                                     try. What initiatives is the Panama Mar-  torship, and support services to help young
                                     itime Authority undertaking to attract   Panamanians navigate career pathways in
                                     young Panamanians to the maritime    the maritime industry. This includes guidance
                                     industry?                            on certifications, licensing requirements, and
                              The Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP) rec-  opportunities for professional development
                              ognises the importance of attracting young   and advancement.
                              Panamanians to the maritime industry to ensure   •   Every year, the AMP provides significant
                              a sustainable workforce and promote national   financial support to Panama Maritime Uni-
                              participation in this vital sector. To address this   versity, a leading state school in the education
                              challenge, AMP supports young people’s engage-  of young people who aspire to enter the mar-
                              ment and attraction to maritime professions in   itime sector, in order to support its operation.
                              various ways, such as:                  By implementing these initiatives, the Panama
                              •   Education and Awareness Programmes: The   Maritime Authority aims to inspire and empower
                                 AMP collaborates with educational institu-  young Panamanians to pursue rewarding and
                                 tions, schools, and vocational training centres   fulfilling careers in the maritime industry, con-
                                 to raise awareness about career opportunities   tributing to the sector’s long-term growth and
                                 in the maritime industry. That includes organ-  sustainability.
                                 ising career fairs, seminars, and workshops to

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