P. 98

THE PANAMA                                                          In recent years, geopolitical crises have

                                                                              resulted in the increasing imposition of
          MARITIME                                                            sanctions on ships. How does Panama’s
                                                                              registry ensure compliance with these
          AUTHORITY IS                                                Flag registries, in general, play a crucial role in
          CONTINUOUSLY                                                ensuring compliance with sanctions imposed

                                                                      on ships due to geopolitical crises. The Panama
          STRIVING TO MEET                                            Maritime Authority (AMP) ensures its compliance
                                                                      through several practices, such as:
          THE EVOLVING                                                •   Monitoring and Screening: The Panama Flag
                                                                          Registry maintains various tools and plat-
          NEEDS OF THE                                                    forms with which it monitors the vessels
                                                                          making up its fleet. In addition, it has gen-
          MARITIME                                                        erated mechanisms and communication to
                                                                          verify that vessels wishing to join its fleet are
          INDUSTRY                                                        not related to international sanctions issues;
                                                                          it continually monitors the vessels flying its
                                                                          flag to ensure that they are not involved in
                                                                          activities against national interests and the
                                                                          global maritime industry.
                                                                      •   The due diligence performed upon receipt of
                                                                          a flag request is not only applied to the ves-
                                                                          sel but also extends to its owners, economic
                                                                          groups, and operators, among others.
                                                                      •   Documentation and Verification: The Pan-
                                                                          ama Flag Registry requires comprehensive
                                                                          documentation from shipowners and opera-
                                                                          tors, including details of ownership, manage-
                                                                          ment, and operations. The registry verifies the
          * We wish to thank the Ambassador and General Consul            authenticity of these documents and ensures
          of Panama in Greece, H.E. Mrs Julie Lymberopulos,               that vessels are not being used to circumvent
          for her valuable assistance in coordinating our                 sanctions by changing ownership or flag.
          magazine’s interview with the Panama Maritime               •   Inspections and Audits: The Panama Flag
          Authority headquarters.                                         Registry conducts regular inspections and

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