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audits of vessels to verify compliance with   services to meet the evolving needs of the mari-
                                    international regulations and sanctions. These   time industry and enhance its competitiveness in
                                    inspections may be scheduled or unsched-  the global market. Here are some of the strategies
                                    uled and can occur at ports or during transit.  that the Panama Ship Registry applies to continue
                                 •   Cooperation with International Bodies: The   competing internationally:
                                    Panama Flag Registry cooperates closely   •   Enhanced Digitalisation: The Registry has
                                    with international bodies, such as the Inter-  invested in digital platforms and systems
                                    national Maritime Organisation (IMO), the   that streamline the processes of registra-
                                    United Nations Security Council, and regional   tion, document submission, and stakeholder
                                    organisations to stay updated on sanctions   communication. That includes implementing
                                    and enforcement measures; it also shares   electronic documentation, online portals for
                                    information and coordinates actions to ensure   registration and inquiries, and digital signa-
       Photo © Panama Canal Authority  the effective implementation of sanctions.  tures to expedite transactions.
                                 •   Penalties and Enforcement: The Panamanian   •   Efficient Regulatory Compliance: The Pan-
                                    Flag Registry has the authority to impose   ama Flag Registry is focused on ensuring that
                                    penalties on vessels or owners that violate   vessels under its flag comply with interna-
                                    the prescribed regulations. These penalties   tional regulations and standards and provides
                                    can include fines, detention of vessels, or   additional guidance, training, and support to
                                    even revocation of registration. Enforcement   shipowners and operators to facilitate compli-
                                    actions send a strong message to the ship-  ance with regulatory requirements, including
                                    ping industry and deter non-compliance.  environmental, safety, and security standards.
                                 •   Technological Solutions: The Panama Flag   •   Improved Customer Service: The Panama
                                    Registry leverages technological solutions   Flag Registry prioritises providing excellent
                                    such as satellite tracking, electronic doc-  customer services to shipowners, operators,
                                    umentation systems, and data analytics to   and other stakeholders. This involves enhanc-
                                    enhance monitoring and enforcement capa-  ing communication channels, responsiveness
                                    bilities. These technologies enable real-time   to inquiries, and providing personalised sup-
                                    tracking of vessels and the detection of sus-  port to address concerns or issues promptly.
                                    picious activities.                  •   Strategic Partnerships: The Registry works
                                 •   Training and Education: The Panama Flag   hand in hand with other organisations, such
                                    Registry provides capacity and education   as classification societies, technology provid-
                                    to shipowners, operators, and maritime per-  ers, legal firms, and industry associations, to
                                    sonnel to raise awareness about sanctions   provide a better customer experience.
                                    compliance requirements, helping to foster   •   Investment in Training and Development:
                                    a culture of compliance within the maritime   The Panama Flag Registry invests in training
                                    industry.                                and development programmes for its staff to
                                 Overall, the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP)   enhance their skills and knowledge in areas
                                 plays a vital role in ensuring that vessels flying the   such as regulatory compliance, maritime
                                 Panamanian flag adhere to international regula-  law, technology, and customer service, thus
                                 tions, contributing to global efforts to promote   ensuring it can deliver high-quality services
                                 peace and security.                         and support to clients effectively.
                                                                         •   Continuous Improvement  and Feedback
                                        How does the Panamanian Registry plan   Mechanisms: The Panama Flag Registry has
                                        to improve the services it provides in the   established mechanisms to gather feedback
                                        short to medium term?                from clients and stakeholders to identify areas
                                 The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) is steadily   for improvement and address any issues or
                                 focused on continuously striving to improve its   concerns proactively. It uses this feedback

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