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SMART SHIPPING                                                                                                                                                                        Lorem ipsum
                                                                                                                                                                                           Special report sponsored by

                          HUMANS WILL                                                                                              be sustainable and reliable. Black boxes  need to operate   petence of individuals. No matter what option will be exer-
                                                                                                                                   correctly; when they fail, they must be restored as fast as  cised, it is a fact that specialised human resources should
                                                                                                                                                                                      be employed to cope with the evaluation of big data and
                          BE THE KEY                                                                                               What threatens the reliable digitalisation of maritime safety?   propose to the management team actions to be taken.
                                                                                                                                   We would say oligopolies, cyber risks and human resources.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Despite advances in the regulatory framework, technology,
                          TO ENABLING                                                                                              In our view, oligopolies are the biggest threat due to how  and the installation of various software and hardware systems
                                                                                                                                   growth is interpreted and achieved in our capitalistic world.
                                                                                                                                                                                      to counter cyber threats, the weak link in cybersecurity con-
                          THE INEVITABLE                                                                                           For example, oligopolies produce Printed Circuit
                                                                                                                                   Boards (PCBs) and make their components in facto-
                          DIGITALISATION                                                                                           ries that the end users have no idea about; they rapidly               S
                                                                                                                                   change technologies, market new products, and stop
                          OF SHIPPING                                                                                              producing and providing support for older products.                   Software
                                                                                                                                   As a result, we now see products with a 5–10-year life
                                                                                                                                   and support for ships with an expected 25-year life.
                                                                                                                                   Consolidations and oligopolies are also observed in   Liveware  L      L                 H    Hardware
                                                                             dent-free (IF EffEff). Therefore, for ship            equipment suppliers, who assemble the components
                                                                             management companies, safety is a cru-                into modules for their systems. Because of these con-              Central Liveware
                                                                             cial aspect.                                          solidations, a radical degradation in the after-sales
                                                                             Safety was previously defined as ‘the                 service is experienced and, considering the limited
                                                                             control of accidental loss’. Recently, it             role of the crew on board in troubleshooting black
                                                                             has been redefined as ‘the ability to                 boxes, the reliable operation of digital technology is                 E
                                                                             restore physically and mentally healthy               threatened, and its role in boosting safety on board is              Environment
                                                                             after any failure’.                                   adversely affected.
                                                                                                                                   Another threat to reliably digitalise for safety is cyberspace   tinues to be human behaviour. Hackers have become increas-
                                                                                                                                   threats, which we will elaborate on further below.  ingly sophisticated in their tactics, using social engineering
                                                                                                                                   Crew non familiarity with digital technologies is not a threat   techniques to trick individuals into divulging sensitive infor-
                                                                                                                                   comparable to oligopolies and cyber threats because we  mation or compromising their devices. These tactics include
                                                                                                                                   are all familiar with smart “everything” in our daily activities.   phishing scams, baiting, pretexting, watering hole attacks,
                                                                                                                                   Therefore, we can cope with smart technology on board. What   and ransomware. Therefore, it is vital to keep all software
                                          Digitilisation  is  already  overwhelm-                                                  will be needed is a new learning curve that will have to be   and systems up to date and to have a backup of important
                                          ing  our lives at all levels and areas of                                                applied to alternative fuel technologies on our way to the   data stored in a secure location.
                                          human activity. The reason or justifica-                                                 2050 zero carbon target, but that is a topic beyond the scope   While technology can significantly mitigate cyber threats, it
                                          tion for this is that smart “everything”                                                 of this discussion. Nevertheless, we consider sea-going and   is essential to remember that human behaviour will always
                                          makes our lives more comfortable,                                                        office personnel non familiarisation with evaluating big data   be the weak link. However, by increasing awareness of the
                                          boosts our senses, multiplies our options   Whether we agree with the old or the         and managing cyber hazards as a real threat to the benefits   above tactics used by hackers and taking proactive measures
                                          while saving time, and enables us to per-  new definition, our opinion is that digi-     offered by digitalisation.                         to protect against them, individuals can greatly reduce the
                                          form everyday activities such as commu-  talisation has improved onboard safety.         Big data is useless without proper processing and evaluation   risk of falling victim to a cyber-attack for themselves and
                                          nicating and monitoring remotely, surfing   The rate of accidents has been reduced       to determine if and what actions are required. An advanced   their company.
                                          the internet, etc., at the speed of light.  drastically in the last two decades. The     engineering skill set will be needed for efficient analysis   Concluding, we believe that humans will be the key to ena-
                                          But what is the role of digitalisation in   learning curve and regulatory framework      and evaluation of big data. This skill set can be developed   bling the inevitable digitalisation of the shipping industry,
                                          promoting human safety and well-being?   development over that period indicate           in-house or outsourced, depending on the software (in-house   which in turn, properly applied, will boost HSQE IF EffEff
                                          For example, is it helping medicine serve   clearly how this was achieved. The role of   20x7_ISONIKE_ADV.pdf   1   12/5/22   10:46 PM      operations on board ships.
                                                                                                                                   or outsourced), the company size and structure, and the com-
                                          its purpose of improving the quality and   digitalisation has been critical in design-
                                          length of human life?              ing better ships, systems, and equipment
                                          The undebatable answer to the latter  and has been crucial in developing bet-
                                          is yes. However, whether the quality of   ter procedures and management sys-
                                          human life has improved is another ques-  tems. However, no matter the level of                                                 Accred ted Conformance Assessment Body
                                          tion that needs a different approach to   digitalisation, the role of humans will be   C
                                          the impact of digitalisation.      instrumental, which is why the last line   M              The Strateg c Partner of Cho ce
                                          It is under this perspective that we   of defence will always be human per-
                                          should address the question of  the  formance.                               Y               for Th rd Party Assessment & Cert f cat on
                                          impact of onboard digitalisation on  And here again, digitalisation will play a   CM
                                          safety.                            crucial role in assisting company leaders   MY
          by Takis Koutris,               The mission of a ship management com-  to shape the proper context for humans   CY                                            SCHEME
          Managing Director               pany is to transport goods as instructed,   to operate IF EffEff.
          of Roxana Shipping S.A.                                                                                     CMY                          SCHEME                                SCHEME                          SCHEME         SCHEME
          and ROKS Maritime Inc.          Health Safety Environment Quality  Of course, with digitalisation, we can fur-
                                          (HSEQ), effectively, efficiently, and inci-  ther boost safety on board, but it has to   K                                                                     SCHEME

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