P. 89


 Graph 9 "Ηow likely do you consider the implementation of fully autonomous navigation in merchant ships, in the near future?"

 Unlikely  Rather    Doubtful  Likely  Extremely
 unlikely  likely


 19%  29%  35%  9% 8%

 THE LIKELIHOOD OF FULLY AUTONOMOUS  regulatory framework of international organisa-
 NAVIGATION IN THE FUTURE  tions, 22% think that achieving fully autonomous   There is a f ine line that separates
 Advances in technology raise many questions  navigation is likely or extremely likely. Conse-  leaders from executives.
 about the shipping industry’s future, most of   quently, 78% believe it is a doubtful/unlikely/
 which are related to whether digitalisation will   rather unlikely development, which is probably
 lead to autonomous merchant ships and, if so, to   linked to their belief that there has been little
 what extent. Although a part of the ship’s opera-  progress in the regulatory framework introduced
 tions does take place without human intervention,   by international organisations. Furthermore, it
 fully autonomous navigation is a complex matter   appears that regulatory unpreparedness regard-
 that greatly depends on external factors, such  ing cybersecurity makes the achievement of
 as the protection of remotely controlled systems   autonomous navigation on merchant ships even
 from cyber-attacks.  more doubtful.
 The survey’s participants do not seem to con-
 sider fully autonomous navigation on merchant  SUMMARY
 ships particularly likely: almost one in two (48%)   This survey posed focused questions towards
 answered that they think it is unlikely or rather  shipping industry representatives regarding
 unlikely. Fewer than one in five (17%) said it was   the digitalisation of shipping and its possible
 likely or extremely likely.  benefits. Overall, investing in connectivity and
 At the same time, a significant percentage   data analytics technologies appears to be a
 remains uncertain about the future; for exam-  high priority for most participants due to the
 ple, more than one in three respondents (35%)  many benefits they can provide in terms of
 answered that achieving fully autonomous mer-  improving performance and enhancing safety,
 chant ships is doubtful.  but also diagnosing, preventing, and dealing
 It is noted that the participants’ answers varied   with damage. At the same time, digitalisation
 depending on whether they agreed or disagreed   does not appear to be a threat to the crews’
 with the statement: “International organisations   role but an opportunity for their career devel-
 have developed an adequate regulatory frame-  opment and improving working conditions on
 work and provide sufficient information to pro-  board. Finally, for the majority of the survey
 tect shipping companies from cyber threats”.   participants, fully autonomous navigation
 Of those who agreed with the statement, only   appears to be an unattainable goal for the
 10% (vs the entire sample’s 17%) consider fully  time being. Moreover, a large percentage also
 autonomous navigation in the future likely or  believes that the current regulatory framework
 extremely likely.  does not provide sufficient information on the
 On the other hand, of the participants who  protection of shipping companies from cyber
 believed that there had been little progress in the   threats.

   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94