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SMART SHIPPING                                                                          Lorem ipsum
                                                                   Special report sponsored by

 Mr Panos Kourkountis shares his thoughts on the impact the digital transformation of   only affected ship management; it has   a voyage. Constantly changing parame-
 shipping will have on ship safety and operational performance.  also changed the concept of ship design.   ters form a dynamic equation, with the
                                    The intelligent systems used to control     data continuously fluctuating.
                                    equipment and critical communications       For a meaningful optimisation of the
                                    between the different systems installed     ship’s performance, all variables should
                                    on board improve ships significantly. In    be monitored online, and the parameters
                                    recent decades, digital solutions have      should be processed and evaluated by
                                    helped the shipbuilding industry to         big data analysis tools. Data from previ-
                                    make progress and build safer vessels,
                                                                                ous voyages form the basis for the eval-
 THE DIGITAL                        but many of these systems can still be      uations and predictions.
                                    improved. Nevertheless, the digital trans-
                                                                                Investing in know-how and equipment
 TRANSFORMATION                     formation of shipping can add value to      adds to the operating costs of ships.
                                                                                However, the benefits of operational
                                    ship safety.
  OF SHIPPING                Big data analysis is considered vital to boosting   optimisation outweigh these costs.
                                                                                Especially for companies that have the
 CAN ADD VALUE               the operational performance of vessels. Will it    advantage of spreading performance
                                                                                analysis and optimisation costs across
                             become essential for companies to employ peo-
 TO SHIP SAFETY              ple with relevant knowledge to perform in-house    multiple vessels, their impact on OPEX
                                                                                is negligible.
                             evaluations of their fleet’s performance? Will
                             this be possible for smaller companies, or will    The advantage of large fleets is not
                             outsourcing become a common practice?              only related to performance monitoring’
                                     Operational performance depends on         economies of scale also lead to lower
                                     a combination of factors. The charac-      long-term averages in almost all cate-
                                     teristics of the ship, its speed, trim, and   gories of ship management expenses. In
                                     cargo, the fuel quality and price, the     general, companies whose fleets grow
                                     charter rate, the voyage, and the envi-    in terms of ship numbers become more
                                     ronmental conditions are parameters        efficient.
                                     that should be considered in optimising    To overcome the commercial disadvan-

 The field of safety is believed to have benefited the least from
 the digitalisation of the shipping industry. What factors have
 led to this result, and what initiatives are necessary to make
 the desired progress?
 Operating ships has always been a demanding task,
 requiring considerable expertise and effort, especially
 from crews. In the past decades, challenging commer-
 cial obligations and new regulatory requirements have
 added additional burdens to ship crews and manage-
 ment offices. As a result, the amount of information that
 must be collected and processed is excessive. Tradi-
 tionally, the workflow and processes of collecting and
 evaluating the data required for ships’ safe and com-
 petitive operation have been a daunting task. However,
 the introduction of digitalisation has changed the way
 data is collected and evaluated.
 IT systems and ship-to-office connectivity enable the
 collection and automatic processing of large volumes
 of data and information. By creating digital workflows
 and control checks, the initial validation and evaluation
 of data are done within seconds. Setting routines and
 standardising acceptable ranges allows data to be seg-
 regated and filed while critical information is spotted
 and highlighted.
 by    Advanced systems evaluate combinations of parameters,
 Panos Kourkountis,    and any deviation from the predefined acceptable cri-
 Chairman, MARTECMA;
 Technical Director, Sea Traders SA  teria triggers a warning that cannot be ignored.
 The introduction of digitalisation in shipping has not

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