P. 93


 tage of their size, smaller companies   The shipping industry’s efforts to secure
 should consider outsourcing, collabora-  the data and the operation of electronic
 tions, and joint ventures.  equipment on board ships from cyber
    attacks should be backed by global reg-
 Cyberspace threats seem to be troubling the   ulations and prevention policies that will
 maritime industry members, given their scep-  be applied to all equipment installed
 ticism towards the initiatives governments and   on board. 
 regulatory bodies have taken thus far. What
 steps will ensure the safety of both crews and  New technologies are expected to alter the nec-
 vessels in the digitalised future of shipping?  essary skills set a seafarer should have. Does
 Cyber security is not a matter that con-  this refer mainly to their general familiarity with
 cerns only the shipping industry. Instead,  technology, or are there explicit skills that will
 it is an issue that needs to be addressed  be deemed essential for seafarers in the future?
 by governments and regulators on a   The successful implementation of new
 global, regional, and national level.  technology on ships should make them
 The increasing automation and digitisa-  safer and simpler to handle,  which
 tion of ships have made them vulnera-  means that technology will have failed if
 ble to cyber attacks, so they should be   future vessels become so complex that
 adequately protected.  crews cannot operate them.
 Best practices and procedures guide-  The captains, chief engineers, officers,
 lines are publicly available. However,   and crews of ships are not just gradu-
 the actual measures to be implemented   ates of a school. They all need exten-
 should take into account the specific   sive sea-going experience and training
 design and needs of each vessel and   in order to obtain a licence and under-
 company and company.  take new duties.
 The measures and hardware used to   The work on board a ship is demand-
 harden a vessel against cyber attacks   ing, hard, and challenging. However, the
 should not affect the proper function-  majority of seafarers have developed
 ing of its systems. All functions and   exceptional skills for dealing with unex-
 user-friendly operations should be   pected situations.
 maintained. Selecting the correct pro-  In general, old-generation systems are
 cedures and preparing a cybersecurity   harder to operate. For example, anchor-
 management plan should be undertaken   ing a ship using traditional windlasses
 by specialised consultants. Proper cyber   and manually handling all the related
 risk assessment will identify threats and   equipment requires an experienced
 risks. The interference of the cyberse-  and skilled crew. New technologies
 curity system with the safe operations   are expected to simplify and automate
 of the ship’s procedures and other sys-  many traditional procedures.
 tems should be considered and avoided.   Digital innovations include self-diagno-
 Actions against a potential cyber attack   sis systems, automatic sequencing for
 should not compromise established   the operation of different equipment,
 security rules and practices.  and remote-control systems. Many of
 In addition to implementing meas-  these are already applied in our daily
 ures, a disaster recovery and business   life, and we use them without special
 continuity plan should be prepared to   training. Seafarer training should be
 determine how the ship and company   updated to cover the new technology
 will respond to a cyber security incident.  so that the crews of future ships do not
 Shipping companies and ships imple-  face difficulties in operating them.
 ment multiple layers of defence against    New design ships will require special-
 cyber attacks. However, it is crucial   ised crews with special training and
 that shipyards examine cyber risks and   experience. Future ships will be safer
 ensure that appropriate security systems   and easier to handle by design, but
 are incorporated at the design stage.   nothing can prevent unexpected situ-
 Furthermore, makers of marine equip-  ations. Therefore, crews must be highly
 ment should provide adequate hard-  skilled, combining knowledge of new
 ening of their equipment against cyber   technologies and traditional seamanship.

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