P. 97


 Mr Antonis Georgantzis presents his views on the future skills a seafarer will need as   for companies to employ people with relevant knowledge to perform in-house
 shipping's digitalisation progresses.  evaluations of their fleet’s performance? Will this be possible for smaller com-
            panies, or will outsourcing become a common practice?
                        I believe the traditional company’s structures developed in the
                        past will find it difficult to cope with big data. You need dedicated
                        people with a solid theoretical background and knowledge. At the
 CYBERSECURITY:         same time, you need experienced people who understand what
                        goes on the vessel and make the right decisions.
 CREW TRAINING          Big data analysis is becoming increasingly vital to boosting the
                        operational performance of vessels, and it may become necessary
 IS PART OF THE EQUATION  for shipping companies to employ people with relevant knowl-
                        edge to perform in-house evaluations of their fleet's performance.
                        However, this may not be feasible for smaller companies, as they
                        may not have the resources or expertise to conduct such analy-
                        ses. In such cases, outsourcing may become the only solution to
                        apply, accommodated with considerable high cost and limitation
                        in flexibility to adopt new requirements. Our company has created
 The field of safety is believed to have benefited the least   a specialised department that includes data engineers, electrical
 from the digitalisation of the shipping industry. What fac-  engineers, and naval architects who collaborate to develop per-
 tors have led to this result, and what initiatives are nec-  formance applications in-house. They analyse and evaluate per-
 essary to make the desired progress?  formance data collected from our vessels and work closely with
 Digitalisation is undoubtedly increasing equip-  our marine, operation, and technical departments. By filtering and
 ment capabilities when used correctly, provided   interpreting this data, they are able to make informed decisions
 you have the right platforms to bring the data   that optimise vessel operations, resulting in improved efficiency
 back to shore. At the same time, you also need   and reduced environmental impact. Though at times we may face
 to have the right people to assess the quality   resistance to change, our primary goal is always to enhance vessel
 of the data and be able to extract the essence   performance and big data analysis has provided us with the neces-
 behind the numbers. This is vital since numbers   sary foundation to achieve this. Furthermore, we have implemented
 can be misleading and sometimes lead to erro-  preventive maintenance schemes and use data to monitor and iden-
 neous results. Monitoring the vessel’s machinery   tify potential problems or performance issues, which has resulted
 performance is a crucial function. We can monitor   in more reliable and cost-effective vessel operations. Overall, our
 how critical machinery is operating, thus prevent-  commitment to big data analysis has enabled us to operate our
 ing downtime or damages; often, it is a case of   vessels more efficiently, safely, and sustainably. It is important to
 having a real-time view of how engines, genera-  recognise that utilising data for preventive maintenance and vessel
 tors, and cargo handling systems, especially in gas   operation should not be considered as a replacement for taking
 carriers we operate. Digitalisation is also assisting   action to troubleshoot and address issues on the spot. These are
 a lot in troubleshooting. We are moving into a   parallel actions that work together to achieve the best possible
 more advanced way of troubleshooting problems   results. While preventive maintenance and data analysis can help
 the vessels experience compared to all the tra-  identify and mitigate potential issues before they become larger
 ditional ways of doing things in the older days.   problems, it is still necessary to take immediate action when an
 For example, instead of the chief engineer having   issue presents itself (day 2 day operation, traditional approach).
 to send the alarm lists, we can now extract them   By combining these approaches, vessel operators can optimise
 automatically from the office. Therefore, we at   performance and reliability, ensuring that their vessels operate at
 the office know what is going on and can provide   the highest level of efficiency and safety.
 instructions. Digitalisation, with the appropriate
 hardware on board and the knowledge of people   New technologies are expected to alter the necessary skills set a seafarer
 - which needs to be increased and targeted on   should have. Does this refer mainly to their general familiarity with technol-
 specific areas - provides the basis for moving from   ogy, or are there explicit skills that will be deemed essential for seafarers in
 more traditional ways of carrying out maintenance   the future?
 to condition-based maintenance schemes. We can   Seafarers will need to follow developments in the transition towards
 decide when the equipment should be maintained   a digitalised and automated way of doing things. Electricians need
 by relying on periodic measurements and data and   highly specialised skills; we see that the younger generations coming
 decide when maintenance will be done, always in   out of academies are more familiar with new technologies. However, to
 by    line with the Maker’s recommendations.  be able to operate and troubleshoot the systems, we need to provide
 Antonis Georgantzis,    adequate training on the actual systems installed. So, we do not need
 Chief Operational Officer of Latsco Marine
 Management Inc.  Big data analysis is considered vital to boosting the oper-  general training, but training on the specific systems and machinery
 ational performance of vessels. Will it become necessary   seafarers will operate when on board ships.

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