P. 99

fruitful results. The knowledge and expertise   Scan the barcode with your mobile phone    Since 1978
 gained through experience at sea, coupled
 with a willingness to learn and adapt to new   to visit our website.
 technologies, will be essential for success in
 the digitalised future of the maritime indus-
 try. Ultimately, a balance between traditional
 maritime practices and emerging technolog-
 ical skills will be necessary to optimise ves-
 sel performance and ensure the safety and
 well-being of all crew members.


 We are fortunate to have many sister ships   I INTERGRATED SOLUTIONS
 and tend to train people with the same
 methods, increasing their experience and
 knowledge in certain aspects.
 Cyber threats seem to be troubling shipping industry
 members as they are sceptical about the initiatives   ◊ Electrical Equipment
 taken by governments and regulatory bodies so far.
 In your view, what steps are needed to ensure the   ◊ Pneumatic Controls
 safety of both crews and vessels in the digitalised   ◊ Marine Type Cables
 future of shipping?
 The increasing prevalence of cyber threats   ◊ Monitoring & Alarm Consoles
 in the maritime industry is a growing con-
 cern, and it is clear that action needs to be   ◊ Boiler Automation Systems
 taken to ensure the safety of both crews and
 vessels in the digitalised future of shipping.   ◊ Main Switch Boards
 We have invested heavily in cybersecurity by
 establishing an in-house department. Key   ◊ 15 P.P.M Oil Discharge Monitors
 action steps include conducting cybersecu-
 rity risk assessments, implementing training   ◊ Oil Mist Detectors
 In the near future, skills such as proficiency in   and awareness programmes, establishing   ◊ EGCS, WBTS valves
 advanced navigation systems, remote moni-  regulations, and fostering collaboration
 toring technologies, and cybersecurity will be   and information sharing between industry   ◊ Main Engine Maneuvering Systems
 essential qualities for seafarers. More pre-  stakeholders. A multifaceted approach that
 cisely, these skills may include:  includes these measures will be necessary   ◊ Tank Level Measurement Systems
   – Proficiency in the use of advanced navigation   for effective cybersecurity management
 systems, including electronic chart display and   in the maritime industry. It is of very high   ◊ Gas Detection Systems - O2 Analyzers
 information systems (ECDIS) and automatic   importance to involve all the stakeholders
 identification systems (AIS)  (engine manufacturers, for example) in the   ◊ Cargo & Ballast Pump Controls
   – Ability to work with remote monitoring tech-  whole exercise in order to have a correct
 nologies and automation systems, including   risk assessment of the cyber threat.   ◊ Water Ingress Detection Systems
 the use of drones and other unmanned sys-  The maritime industry is rapidly becoming   ◊ Generators Power Management Systems
 tems for vessel inspection and maintenance  more digitalised, and data utilisation will play
   – Data analysis skills, allowing seafarers to   an increasingly vital role in the daily opera-  ◊ Measurement Instruments Certification
 interpret and analyse large amounts of data   tion of vessels, both for troubleshooting and
 generated by vessel sensors and systems  for predicting failures and improving reliabil-  ◊ Reconditioned Ship Machinery and spares
   –  Cybersecurity skills to prevent, detect, and   ity and financial efficiency. As digitalisation
 respond to cyber threats that could compro-  continues to expand throughout the industry,
 mise vessel systems and operations  there is no going back, and it will be essen-
 While it is important to acknowledge that   tial to balance the benefits of this technol-
 specific skills will be required of future sea-  ogy with the potential risks and challenges
 farers, we must not lose sight of the valuable   that come with it. Maintaining the safety of
 benefits that can be gained from sea experi-  vessels and crews must remain a top priority,
 ence under challenging conditions. By com-  and proactive measures such as cybersecurity
 bining traditional best practices with emerg-  risk assessments, training and awareness, and
 ing technological skills, we can enhance our   collaboration will be necessary to manage
 seafaring operations and achieve even more   and mitigate any associated risks.  K a s s id ia r is   b u ild in g :   97   A g c h i a l o u   S t r . ,   185  44,   P i r a eu s,   G r ee c e
                                Τ :   ( + 30)   210  46  36  00 0  |   F :   ( + 30)   210  46  2 4  471  |   E :   i n f o @ k a s s i d i a r i s . g r
                                             www. k a s s i d i a r i s . g r   |  s h o p . k a s s id ia r is . g r
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