P. 86

SMART SHIPPING / RESEARCH                                                                  final_print.pdf   1   23/07/2019   17:58

         THE EFFECT OF DIGITALISATION ON          Graph 7 “What do you think will be the effect of shipping’s digitalisa-
         CREWS                                    tion on the role that crews have on ships today? “
         One of the most interesting aspects of ship-
         ping’s digitalisation is its impact on the crews’                           New smart technologies
         role on board ships. The technological advances                             and the automation of
         expected within the next few decades have led                               operations will require
         many to believe that fully autonomous vessels                               crews with more specia-
         are not just a dream.                                                       lised skills, changing
         In this context, the participants were asked to                             the profile of
         answer a related question that focused on the                               today’s seafarer
         effect of digitalisation on seafarers’ roles. The   69%
         possible answers to this question were:
           •  The digitalisation of shipping will down-
             grade the role of the seafarer on board
           •  New smart technologies are coming to
             help crews make decisions and reduce                                    The digitalisation of
             their workload                                                          shipping will downgrade
           •  New smart technologies and the automa-                      4%         the role of the seafa-
             tion of operations will require crews with                              rer on board
             more specialised skills, changing the pro-
             file of today’s seafarer
         Judging by the responses, the survey partic-                                New smart technologies
         ipants expect the role of seafarers to remain                               are coming to help
         crucial. Only three answered that digitalisa-  27%                          crews make decisions
                                                                                     andreduce their work-
         tion would downgrade the seafarer’s role on                                 load                 C
         the ship.                                                                                        M
         The majority of the participants believe that                                                    Y
         digitalisation will bring about changes in the                                                   CM
         training of crews rather than in their role on the                                               MY
         ship. 69 participants answered that the profile   organisations have developed an adequate
         of seafarers would change in the future due to   regulatory framework and provided sufficient    CY
         the need for specialised individuals who will   information to protect shipping companies        CMY
         be able to deal with new smart technologies   from cyber threats. 60% of the participants        K
         and the automation of certain vessel functions.   expressed scepticism regarding the progress
         Notably, for the representatives of companies   of international organisations on this issue.
         that exclusively manage bulk carriers or tank-  The concern expressed by shipping company
         ers, this percentage increases to 80%.  executives and the wider shipping industry
         At the same time, 27% of all respondents   evident in their responses is probably based
         believe that progress in shipping’s digitalisa-  on the ever-increasing cyber-attack threats.
         tion will help both at the decision-making level   According to Oriani Hellas, a provider of digital
         and in reducing the workload of seafarers.   solutions for shipping, 2021 saw a 33% increase
                                                 in cyber-attacks, with an average of one attack
         CYBERSPACE AND SECURITY:                occurring every 39 seconds.
         ORGANISATIONS                            Graph 8 “Ιnternational organisations have developed an adequate regula-
         One of the most critical threats posed by   tory framework and provided sufficient information to protect shipping
         the digitalisation of the shipping industry is   companies from cyber threats.”
         cyber-attacks. The more ship operations are
         carried out through remote or non-remote sys-
         tems, the greater their vulnerability to cyber-at-
         tacks. This particular view has been consistently
         expressed by many members of the wider ship-    60%                    40%
         ping industry, who also consider that the role of
         international organisations in protecting ship-
         ping companies is of great importance.
         In this context, the survey participants were
         asked  whether they believe international                  Disagree         Agree

   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91