P. 84

SMART SHIPPING / RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                             Lorem ipsum
                                                                                                                                                                                           Special report sponsored by

         Graph 4 “Which aspect of ships' operation has benefitted the most from digitalisation?”
                                                                                                                                   Graph 5 “Investing                                                                Fully disagree
           31%                                       Navigational safety                                                           in technologies to                                                                         0%
                                                                                                                                   enhance connectivity
                                                                                                                                   and data analysis is
                                                                                                                                   as important as in-
                                                                                                                                   vesting in energy-sav-
                                                                                                                                   ing technologies and
                                                                                                                                   alternative fuels to
                                                                                                                                   reduce the environmen-                                                    Disagree        16%
                                                                                                                                   tal footprint
                                                                                                                                   of shipping.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Neither agree          17%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       nor disagree
           44%                                                                       Operational efficiency
                                                                                     and energy saving


           25%                                                Diagnosis, prevention,                                                                                                                   Fully agree           19%
                                                              and dealing with damage

          THE BENEFITS OF DIGITALISING THE        represented by the participants is taken into                                    Graph 6 “Which of the following aspects of smart shipping do you think   ships, the percentage that agrees or fully agrees
          SHIPPING INDUSTRY                       account: among the representatives of com-                                       can yield the greatest results in terms of enhancing the ship’s opera-  with the statement drops to 50%. This comes
          One of the questions the 75 survey participants   panies with more than 15 ships, the percentage                         tional performance?”                                         as no surprise, given that connectivity and data
          were asked to answer was which field has bene-  of participants who consider that navigational                                                                                        analytics needs become more pressing as a
          fited the most from the digitalisation of the ship-  safety has benefitted the most increases to 38%                                                                                  company’s fleet size increases.
          ping industry. The options available were:  (vs the entire sample’s 31%).
            •  Diagnosis, prevention and dealing  with  Conversely, among the representatives of com-                                                                                           THE OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF
             damage                               panies that work for companies with a fleet of up                                                                                             SHIPS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT
            •  Operational efficiency and energy saving  to 15 ships, the percentage that considers that                                                                 48%                    Concerning the enhancement of the operational
            •  Navigational safety                diagnosis, prevention, and dealing with damage                                                                                                performance of vessels, the participants were
          44% of participants responded that the field   has reaped the greatest benefits rises to 32% (vs                                                                                      asked to answer which of the following aspects
          that has gained the most is operational effi-  the entire sample’s 25%).                                                                                                              of “smart” shipping can bring the greatest ben-
          ciency and energy saving. On the other hand,                                                                                                                                          efits. The possible answers were:
          31% of participants consider that the field that  DATA ANALYSIS VS ENERGY SAVING                                         Big Data Analysis                                              •  The Internet of Things (IoT and enhancing
          has reaped the most significant benefits is nav-  The next question participants were asked to                                                                                            the connectivity of the ship’s systems)
          igational safety.                       answer was to what extent they agreed with the                                   Autonomous control                                             •  Big Data Analysis
          Furthermore, one in four participants consid-  following statement: “Investing in connectivi-                            /navigation                                                    •  Autonomous control/navigation
          ers that the field of diagnosis, prevention and  ty-enhancing technologies and data analytics                                                           11%                           Based on the participants’ responses, it is evi-
          dealing with damage has experienced the most   is just as important as investing in energy-saving                                                                                     dent that the vast majority do not consider that
          significant benefits. It appears that so far, the   technologies and alternative fuels to reduce the                                                                                  autonomous navigation can offer the greatest
          progress of digitalisation has benefitted opera-  environmental footprint of shipping”.                                                                                               benefits to the energy efficiency of ships. For
          tional efficiency and improved energy efficiency   A noteworthy finding is that none of the par-                                                                                      example, only 11% chose this answer, while for
          to a greater extent, which is probably due to the   ticipants completely disagreed with this state-                                                                                   the representatives of shipping companies with
          greater emphasis the global shipping industry   ment. On the contrary, 14 participants (19% of                                                                                        a fleet of up to 15 vessels, it drops to 4%.
          has placed in recent years on reducing its envi-  the sample) fully agreed. Overall, those who                                                                     41%                Most participants believe that Big Data Analysis
          ronmental footprint, particularly in view of the   agreed with the statement outnumbered those                                                                                        will yield the most benefits; however, a significant
          increasingly stringent environmental regulations   who disagreed: two out of three participants                          Internet of Things                                           percentage of the sample said that the Internet
          that are constantly coming into force.  (67%) agreed or fully agreed with the statement.                                 (IoT) and enhancing                                          of Things and the enhancement of the ship’s sys-
          In any case, it is worth noting that there are some   Interestingly, when it comes to the representa-                    the connectivity of                                          tems can deliver the most benefits.
          differences if the size of the shipping company   tives of companies managing a fleet of up to 15                        the ship's systems

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