P. 83


 Graph 2 Distribution of the survey participants based on the number of ships managed by the company they represent
 Up to 5  11-15  21-25

 15%  22%  10%  15%  6%  32%

 6-10  16-20  Over 25

 DISTRIBUTION OF THE SURVEY   agement companies, while 32 belong to the second.
 PARTICIPANTS BASED ON THE NUMBER   An additional axis of categorisation of survey partic-
 AND TYPE OF SHIPS MANAGED BY THE   ipants is the type of vessels managed by their com-
 COMPANY THEY REPRESENT  pany. The critical role of bulk carriers and tankers in
 As indicated in Graph 1, 80% of the survey participants   the Piraeus/Athens fleet is again evident. Of the sur-
 represent ship management companies of various  vey’s 60 shipping company representatives, 17 work
 sizes, categorised according to the number of ves-  in companies that exclusively manage bulk carriers
 sels they manage. The company size category with the   and 18 in companies that exclusively manage tank-
 highest representation is companies managing more   ers. Thus, 58% of the participants work in companies
 than 25 vessels. There are 19 such companies in the   that exclusively manage one of the two main types
 sample, representing 32% of the total.  of bulk shipping vessels.
 To facilitate comparisons based on the size of the   At the same time, a significant 37% of participants
 ship management companies represented in the  represent companies managing diversified fleets.
 survey, we have divided the sample into two further   It is worth noting that four companies appear to
 categories: representatives of companies with a fleet   be managing four different types of vessels: bulk
 of up to 15 ships and representatives of companies   carriers, tankers, containerships, and gas carriers.
 with a fleet of more than 15 ships. 28 company repre-  On the other hand, 12 participants represent com-
 sentatives belong to the first category of ship man-  panies only managing carriers and tankers.

 Graph 3 Distribution of the shipping company representatives based on the types of ships managed by the company they work for
 Bulk   Containerships  Diversified
 Carriers  Fleet

 28%  30%  37%


 Tankers  Passenger

   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88