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         and pushed the market into contango.   onstream in approximately 4 to 5 years                                 C
         Seeking to capture this contango and  and create fresh demand for newbuild                                    M
         not sell their cargoes at a prompt dis-  vessels in 2027-2028. In the meantime,                               Y
         count, market participants started  the record number of vessels already on                                   CM
         floating their cargoes for long periods.   order will be delivered in time to cover
         Indicatively, at some point in November,   production that will come on stream from
         more than 40 vessels were floating out-  the previous round of under-construc-                                CY
         side the EU, waiting to discharge at the   tion projects. These under-construction                            CMY
         right time. That significantly increased   mega projects are set to commence                                  K
         tonne-time (utilisation) and kept vessels   production between 2024-2027 and
         employed for longer under their US Gulf   absorb the large number of carriers on
         -> EU rotations. While this was happen-  order, which has exhausted the capacity
         ing in Europe, the Far East saw very  of the Korean yards until 2027. In the
         muted demand for LNG due to healthy   last 24 months, the price for a newbuild
         stockpiles, a mild winter, and lower-  174,000cbm 2-stroke LNG carrier has
         than-usual industrial power demand,  risen by roughly $60 million compared
         especially from China, which had not   to the mid-high $180mil for a unit deliv-
         lifted COVID-19 restrictions. Owing to   ered in 2023 to the low $250mil for
         its stronger pricing relative to the Far   earliest delivery in 2027. Owners who
         East (accounting for the cost of shipping   have placed orders in time will be able
         to either destination), Europe pulled   to command significant premiums for
         65% of US cargoes in October, 76% in   long-term charters as charterers have
         November, 75% in December and 72% in   run out of options for modern carriers in
         January, based on cargo data from Kpler.  the front (2023-2026). Indicatively, the
         As we leave this winter behind us and   rate for a 10-year charter of a modern
         look ahead to the mid and long-term,   2-stroke carrier with delivery in 2024
         there are several elements which lend  has risen YoY by nearly $25,000/day
         support to a bullish outlook for LNG   from roughly mid $70s/day in Q1 2022                                              Greece. Operations Head Office: 43, Iroon Polytechniou Ave., 185 35 Piraeus
                                                                                                                                  Offices: Ag. Theodoroi / Alexandroupolis / Aliveri (Mylaki Port) / Chalkis / Eleusis
         shipping. Several US-based LNG liq-  to low $100s/day in Q1 2023. In addition,                                           Kavala / Lavrion / Patras / Thessaloniki / Volos / Yali (Island)
         uefaction projects are on the cusp of   Korean and Chinese yards are operating                                           Cyprus. 38, Spyrou Kyprianou Str., 4042 Germasogeia, Limassol
         reaching Final Investment Decisions   at full capacity, and demand for modern                                            Besides the ports/locations that we cover via our offices  appearing on the relevant list,
         (FIDs) and moving ahead with con-  LNG carriers is only expected to grow                                                 the agency covers all Greek ports through our local correspondence.
         struction. These new volumes will come   with more production facilities receiving

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