P. 76


                          CHANGES IN

                          VESSEL VALUES

                          IN THE FIRST HALF

                          OF THE YEAR

                          Edited by: Manos Charitos
                          Data provided by: VesselsValue

                                                                     er-sized Supramax and Handysize vessels’ values
                                                                     remained at levels similar to those prevailing at the
                                                                     beginning of the year. The bulk carrier freight mar-
                                                                     ket booked positive growth during the year’s first
                                                                     half, and despite the downward trend recorded in
                                                                     the past few weeks, its short-term outlook remains
                                                                     At the same time, medium or smaller container-
                                                                     ship newbuilds values have remained relatively
                                                                     like those at the beginning of the year, except
                                                                     for those of 23,000 TEUs carrying capacity, which
                                                                     registered a 5.82% increase. The containerships
                                                                     freight market entered 2022 dynamically, continu-
                                                                     ing on the explosive course it started in 2021. At
                                                                     the end of February, the first signs of a correction
                                                                     appeared and gradually intensified. Sector prof-
                                                                     itability is expected to remain high throughout
                                                                     2022, although it is predicted that the container-
                                                                     ship market will face supply-focused challenges
                                                                     from 2023 onward.
                                                                     So far this year, the tanker market has recorded a
                                                                     significant increase in vessel values, particularly
                                                                     in smaller and larger-sized vessels, relative to
                                                                     bulk carriers and containerships. In the year’s first
                                                                     half, the value of newly built LR1 and MR tankers
                                                                     increased by 10.21% and 8.97%, respectively, while
                                                                     the value of VLCC newbuilds went up by 8.19%. The
                                                                     tanker charter market, characterised by sluggish-
                                                                     ness in the first half of the year, is now showing
                                                                     signs of growth, and there is optimism about its
                          Vessel values have been on an upward trend since  short-term outlook.
                          the beginning of 2022. According to recent Ves-  At the same time, LNG carrier  values have
                          selsValue data, provided exclusively to Naftika   increased significantly,   except in the case of

                          Chronika, larger vessels recorded the most sig-  small-size vessels. In particular, the value  of newly
                          nificant increases in value among all vessel types.  built Qmax LNG carriers with a 266,000 cubic

                          In the first half of the year, the value of Capesize   meters transport capacity increased by 11.87%  in
                          and Panamax newbuilds went up by 6.85% and   the year’s first half. The values of LNG carriers
                          4.68%, respectively. On the other hand, small-  with a transport capacity of 215,000 cubic meters

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