P. 74

Levels of shipbuilding group concentration by country  448 companies that manage ships built by the top 15,
                The fact that the top 15 shipbuilding groups have built   154 (or 34%) manage ships constructed exclusively by
                69% of the fleet exemplifies the increasing concentration   one of the top 15. It should be noted that although their
                within the shipbuilding industry. However, the concentra-  fleets may consist of ships also built by other shipyards/
                tion levels in the three countries examined are different.  shipbuilding groups, these do not belong to the list of
                In the case of South Korea, the country’s shipyards  the top 15.
                among the top 15 have built approximately 89% of the   At the top of this category is HD Hyundai, with the South
                fleet managed by companies operating in Piraeus/Athens   Korean group enjoying the proven trust of 32 companies.
                constructed in that country. The corresponding figures for   In second place is the gigantic China State Shipbuilding
                China and Japan are 55% and 69%.                Corporation, the first – and marginally only – choice for
                                                                28 companies. The Imabari Shipbuilding Group remains
                The “loyalty” factor                            in third place with 22 companies.
                At country level                                Of the shipping companies managing larger fleets, most
                The specialisation of specific countries and shipyards in   choose the South Korean giant HD Hyundai, and their
                building particular types of ships has been one of the fac-  fleets consist mainly of tankers and gas carriers. On the
                tors determining the balance in the shipbuilding industry.   other hand, those who prefer the Chinese CSSC group
                In this context, the fact that many companies choose to   mostly manage bulk carriers, as do the companies that
                manage ships built in specific countries is indeed inter-  choose the Imabari Group.
                esting, although not necessarily surprising.
                242 of the 448 companies in this survey are managing   Figures to remember:
                ships built by one of the top shipbuilding groups: 35% of
                these companies operate fleets whose ships have been   •   The top 15 shipbuilding groups have built 3,560 (or
                built mainly by South Korean shipbuilding groups. The cor-  69%) of the 5,191 ships managed by companies oper-
                responding percentage for Japanese and Chinese groups   ating in Piraeus/Athens
                is 48% and 17%.                                 •   1,701 (or 48%) of these 3,560 ships were constructed
                Of the companies whose fleets consist of at least five   by six South Korean shipbuilding groups
                vessels built exclusively or mainly by South Korean groups,   •   Of the 137 LNG carriers built by the top 15, 132
                the vast majority operate tankers and gas carriers. How-  (or 96%) were built by South Korean shipbuilding
                ever, most companies of this size that choose Japanese   groups
                shipbuilding groups manage bulk carriers. Finally, compa-  •   One in two commercial (51%) built by Chinese ship-
                nies that significantly prefer Chinese shipbuilding groups   building groups is up to ten years old
                operate bulk carriers.                          •   Eight out of ten ships (or 79%) built by Japanese
                                                                   shipbuilding groups are bulk carriers.
                At Group level                                  •   242 companies operating in Piraeus/Athens strongly
                Several companies operating in Piraeus/Athens seem to   prefer country-specific groups, and 154 prefer spe-
                prefer specific shipbuilding groups over others. Of the   cific shipbuilding groups.

   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79