P. 24


                                           front of environmental protection and    Ship Registry is not follow-
                                           competitiveness, which will differenti-  ing the same upward trend.
                                           ate us in the next shipping cycle.       For what reasons is there no
                                           In addition, we have installed 18 scrub-  significant increase in Greek-
                                           bers, mostly on our bigger-sized Cape    flagged ships?
                                           and Post-Panamax vessels, which pro-  Safe  Bulkers  believes  that  Greek-
                                           vides a significant measurable potential   flagged ship numbers can only increase
                                           for increased earnings in this inflated   in  tandem  with  the  growth  of  the
                                           fuel price environment.           Greek-owned fleet, provided there is
                                                                             also a substantial increase in Greek
                                           ã       Do you think the Ukrainian  seafarer availability.
                                                   crisis  will slow down the  A combined effort of all stakeholders
                                                   decarbonisation plans of  is needed to achieve such a target. At
                                                   some states?              the same time, we are happy to be fly-
                                           Yes, definitely. We believe there is a   ing the second-best alternative avail-
                                           temporary halt in the decarbonisation   able to any Greek shipowner, namely
                                           front, despite the momentum it had  the Cyprus flag, which we proudly fly
                                           gained in 2021. The war has trans-  on almost all our fleet’s ships, defying
                                           formed the energy landscape and rap-  the Turkish embargo, especially at a
                                           idly shifted the discussion from energy   time when the neighbouring country is
                                           transition to energy security. Many  demonstrating hostile attitude, taking
                                           countries and economies are turning to   advantage of the geopolitical instabil-
                   The war has             coal or seaborne LNG as an alternative   ity created by the Ukrainian war.
                 transformed the           source to Russian energy. However, in
                energy landscape           the long-term, the climate crisis fight  ë  ESG has entered shipping
              and rapidly shifted          will have to be addressed again as a     dynamically, yet despite the
              the discussion from          matter of top priority.                  great emphasis placed on
                energy transition                                                   the E and the G, progress
              to energy security.          ç       In the first half of 2022,       regarding the S is not fol-
                 Many countries                    orders for dry bulk vessels      lowing the same pace. What
                and economies are                  decreased compared to the        HR strategies does  your
               turning to coal or                  corresponding period in 2021.    company follow to ensure
               seaborne LNG as an                  What do you think is the rea-    diversity and inclusion?
               alternative source                  son for this downward trend?  First, allow me to point out that we
               to Russian energy.          We have a record low orderbook and  recently published our 2  Annual ESG
                                           expect minimal fleet growth for the   Report for 2021. In summary, this report
                                           years up to 2026 in all dry bulk vessel   focuses on corporate governance: our
                                           sizes. We believe that the main reason   support to our seafarers during the
                                           for that is the uncertainty surrounding   COVID restrictions; our support to
                                           alternative fuels and new vessel tech-  local communities through our scholar-
                                           nologies, which will have to comply  ship program; the training we provided
                                           with current and future environmental   to our staff; our $371 million investment
                                           regulations coming into force up to  in 11 Tier III-compliant newbuilds ahead
                                           2030. The supply fundamentals remain   of our peers, and our verified AER and
                                           positive for dry bulk sector as shipyard   EEOI reports’ data for 2021.
                                           capacity is occupied by other sectors’   In addition to the above, in 2022, we
                                           orders, mainly containerships and LNG   have made environmentally friendly
                                           carriers.                         upgrades to our existing fleet worth
                                                                             $2.2 million. By the end of May, we had
                                           è       The Hellenic Ministry of Mar-  used about 2,000 tonnes of biofuels,
                                                   itime Affairs & Insular Policy   which emitted 1,550 tonnes less CO 2.
                                                   has set the increase in the  To conclude, let me share with you the
                                                   number of vessels flying the   actions we have taken recently, includ-
                                                   Greek flag as a top prior-  ing during the COVID-19 period, which
                                                   ity. However, it is observed  we believe might be helpful as a guide
                                                   that while the Greek-owned   for our company’s continued diversity
                                                   fleet is growing, the Greek   and progress in years to come.

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