P. 19

European shipping is facing fundamental changes, mainly in terms of environmental regula-
            tions, while the war in Ukraine is redefining the industry’s status quo. In this interview,
            Mr Philis refers to the EU Emissions Trading System, the collective voice of European ship-
            owners on key maritime issues, and the impact of recent geopolitical developments on European
                                 SHIPPING IS GOING

                                 THROUGH A PHASE

                                 OF FUNDAMENTAL


            Philippos Philis,    Ö      Do you think that the ETS, as pro-  price gap between clean and conventional fuels.
            President of the            posed by the European Institutions,  About 80% of the current ETS revenues are used
            European Community
            Shipowners' Associa         is the best solution for the sustain-  for the energy transition of other ETS sectors and
            tions (ECSA)                ability of European Shipping? Are the   we need to see the same happening in shipping.
                                        recent proposals submitted by Mem-  The Parliament has fully supported our proposal to
            in a discussion with        bers of the European Parliament in  set up a sector-dedicated fund and has earmarked
            Ilias Bisias                the right direction?             75% of the revenues generated by the shipping
                                 Although European shipowners would have pre-  allowances to the energy transition of the sector.
                                 ferred an international solution, we recognise that   The Council has supported special financing calls
                                 shipping should contribute its fair share to address   under the ETS innovation fund. However, we believe
                                 the climate crisis at the EU level as well. We wel-  that this commitment does not go far enough to
                                 come the increased climate ambition of the ‘Fit for   support innovation and to bridge the substantial
                                 55’ package but we have criticised the lack of con-  price gap between conventional and clean fuels.
                                 sistency and have put forward workable solutions.   We, therefore, encourage the governments to go a
                                 One of the shortcomings of the ETS proposal has   step ahead and to support the earmarking of the
                                 been that it does not address the responsibility of   ETS revenues for the energy transition of the sector,
                                 the entity that takes operational decisions affecting   as proposed by the Parliament.
                                 the CO  emissions of a vessel. We have worked hard
                                 over the last year to convince the Parliament, the  á  Is the voice of European shipowners suf-
                                 Council, and the Commission about the need to   ficiently heard in the international and
                                 make the commercial operators responsible for the   regional fora of London and Brussels?
                                 costs of the ETS. Our proposal is environmentally   Some critics may say that the shipping sector is
                                 consistent with the overall climate targets of the   conservative and inward-looking. I would rather say
                                 EU and will encourage operators to improve the   that shipping is in a transition and is going through
                                 operational efficiency of the vessel, use cleaner   a phase of fundamental change. The sector has
                                 fuels, and reduce emissions.            dealt successfully with one crisis after another and
                                 It is remarkable that both the Council and the Par-  has become more extroverted, more open, and more
                                 liament support a similar position on the mandatory   influential. As a renowned media outlet put it after
                                 transfer of the costs to the commercial operators,   the Parliament’s vote on the ETS earlier this year:
                                 which has been one of the major points we have   “shipping spoke and people in Brussels have lis-
                                 raised. We need all hands-on deck and proper  tened to the sector”.
                                 implementation of the ‘polluter-pays’ principle for   It is essential to understand the dynamics and the
                                 the energy transition of the sector.    new emerging political landscape. Shipping is at the
                                 Another element missing from the ETS proposal   top of the political agenda, and we need to high-
                                 was the use of the revenues. Allocating the rev-  light the great contribution of shipping to global
                                 enues to the sector is essential for bridging the  trade and to the competitiveness of the European

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