P. 23

Τhe CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Safe Bulkers Inc. shares his views on
            the impact of the war on the dry bulk sector. Mr Hajioannou also discusses the outlook
            of the Greek economy and the green transition of the shipping industry.


                                 SUPPLY FUNDAMENTALS

                                 REMAIN POSITIVE

                                 FOR THE DRY BULK SECTOR

            The CEO and Chairman   Ö    What developments do you expect in   pressures on food and energy prices, and lin-
            of the Board                the dry bulk shipping routes, given   gering supply-demand imbalances, global infla-
            of Directors,
            Safe Bulkers Inc.,          the ongoing geopolitical conflict in   tion is anticipated to reach 6.6% in advanced
            Polys V. Hajioannou,        the Black Sea?                   economies and 9.5% in emerging market and
            in an exclusive      The recent agreement between Ukraine and   developing economies this year, an upward revi-
                                 Russia to partially resume grain exports is   sion of almost 1%.
            with                 expected to boost global supplies and help   However, the size of the Greek economy is
            Giannis Theodoropoulos  lower grain prices. However, given the limited   such that increased direct foreign investments
                                 duration of the agreement, we remain scep-  and tourism revenues could positively affect
                                 tical about whether red tape issues can be  its growth trajectory. The EU Commission has
                                 resolved and exports can pick up in the near   recently revised its Greek economy forecasts
                                 term. In August, we saw the first grain car-  downwards, increasing inflation projections to
                                 goes transported and Ukrainian grain exports   6.3% for 2022, mainly due to the war in Ukraine
                                 slowly resuming. If the deal is extended and  and the subsequent turmoil in the energy market.
                                 not undermined, more shipments could go to
                                 Asia, demand could increase, and the same may  â  The shipping industry will be imple-
                                 happen with ton-miles, but to a lesser level   menting new environmental regula-
                                 than before the war.                           tions in 2023. Given the uncertainty
                                                                                caused by the lack of ready-to-use
                                 á      Your company recently listed a bond     technologies and fuels and the new
                                        on the Athens Stock Exchange to         energy status quo, how can a com-
                                        raise additional capital. What is the   pany draw up a clear green invest-
                                        outlook for the Greek stock market      ment strategy?
                                        and the Greek economy as a whole?   Safe Bulkers has put environmental competi-
                                        How will the energy crisis and rising  tiveness at the centre of its investment strat-
                                        inflation affect the growth prospects   egy. Our fleet currently consists of 44 dry bulk
                                        of Greece?                       vessels. We had placed a total order for 11
                                 Given the comparatively small size of the Greek   Tier III-compliant newbuilds, of which we have
                                 economy, we expect that it will be heavily  already taken delivery of the first two - MV Vas-
                                 affected by the Euro Area growth prospects,   sos in May and MV Climate Respect in July. Five
                                 which have been recently revised downwards to   more are expected in 2023, three in 2024, and
                                 2.6% for 2022 and 1.2% for 2023 as per IMF’s   the last one in the first quarter of 2025. Our
                                 latest world economic outlook growth projec-  fleet will count 53 ships after these deliveries,
                                 tion released on 26 July. In Europe, these sig-  and our current fleet average of 10.3 years will
                                 nificant downgrades reflect spill-overs from the   remain stable for the next 2 years. Making an
                                 war in Ukraine and the tighter monetary policy.   investment of this size in the latest technology
                                 On the other hand, due to the war-induced   available on Tier III-compliant newbuilds clearly
                                 commodity price increases, the broadening  reflects our determination to stay at the fore-

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