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                              economy. Shipping is the means for Europe to trade   ing with crew changes, as Ukrainian and Russian
                              with the rest of the world, grow, and create wealth   seafarers make up a significant percentage of our
                              for its people. Shipping connects Europe with the   vessels’ crew. Ensuring that seafarers, and in par-
                              rest of the world, and this is not always well-under-  ticular Russian seafarers, have access to their paid
                              stood by all EU policy makers.          wages is increasingly challenging due to the finan-
                              As I mentioned before, we are in a transition phase,   cial restrictions. Seafarers are essential workers, and
                              and it will take a lot of hard work to make our voice   it is key that they are not ‘’penalised’’ for performing
                              heard stronger and to make our sector more impact-  their duties, irrespective of their nationality.
                              ful. A lot of policy initiatives are in the pipeline, which
                              will change the sector for good.  It is a make-or-break  ç  What  are your views  regarding  the
                              moment for the competitiveness of the industry.  EU Coordinated Maritime Presence in
                                                                              Africa? Are these costly European ini-
                              â      Some critics suggest that European       tiatives in the right direction for the
                                     shipowners are divided in their envi-    security of shipping in the Gulf of Eden?
                                     ronmental goals and do not share the  ECSA fully supports the EU’s activities in the Gulf
                                     same collective aspirations. Does this   of Guinea, including the Coordinated Maritime
                                     criticism still ring true?       Presence (CMP) mechanism launched in January
                              European shipowners are not divided. I would say   2021 and recently extended until 2024. Since its
                              they are united in diversity. ECSA has the privilege   introduction, the CMP has been an effective tool
                              to represent associations from 19 EU/EEA countries   to coordinate Member States’ resources in the
                              and all segments of shipping from bulk carriers to   region, as well as to build cooperation and capac-
                              ferries, container ships, tankers, and cruise ships.   ity with the coastal states. It is however key that
                              We are able to tap into our members’ diversified  the Member States continue to allocate adequate
                              expertise and come up with workable solutions.  assets to strengthen maritime security in problem-
                              There are always different views, different business   atic areas. Regarding the Gulf of Aden, ECSA has
              European        models, and different working cultures. This is nor-  welcomed the recent launch of the CMP in the
             shipowners       mal and it exists in other sectors of the economy   North-Western Indian Ocean as we believe it can
               are not        as well as in the national public administrations. It   improve coordination between the EU initiatives in
              divided.        is not an easy task to understand where everybody   the area and with regional and international stake-
            I would say       comes from, bypass misunderstandings, and find   holders. Importantly, when launching the NWIO
              they are        common ground. But this is exactly what happened   CMP, Member States recognised the importance
              united in       in ECSA on the environmental files which are prob-  of Operation ATALANTA and the role it continues
             diversity.       ably one of the most difficult to find consensus.  to play for security in the region. European ship-
                              ECSA and its members discussed the proposed   owners support the continuation of the operation’s
                              legislation line by line, examined the technical   mandate as it is key to ensuring stability and deter-
                              details and their implications, and have come up   rence in the region but also for information sharing.
                              with clear positions and a clear message address-
                              ing our requests to the policymakers. This message  è  Why do we still see a reluctancy in
                              has been supported by all members of ECSA.      many  young Europeans to pursue
                              Different approaches are often overplayed but the   a career at sea? How can the social
                              fact is that the sector has been united in our main   image of shipping be improved by all
                              positions towards policymakers. We have so much   maritime stakeholders?
                              in common and also much to lose if we don’t stick   The public’s lack of awareness about our industry is
                              together. ECSA is the focal point of the sector in   still an issue, with maritime transport and shipping
                              Brussels, and this is reflected in our recent suc-  often associated with adverse publicity. Promotion
                              cesses in the policy files.             of the industry must highlight the vital, dynamic, and
                                                                      far-reaching opportunities that careers in maritime
                              ã      What have been the effects of the  sector can offer and build advocacy tools to raise
                                     ongoing conflicts in Ukraine for Euro-  awareness with young people. Maritime careers
                                     pean Shipping?                   need to be showcased in a way that is relevant to
                              The ongoing war has brought significant uncertainty   the expectations someone has of a modern lifestyle.
                              for shipping operations, as European shipowners   EU-funded projects developed by ECSA such as
                              strive to comply with the fast-changing EU and   SkillSea (which aims to develop a sustainable skill
                              international sanction regimes. In particular, ECSA   strategy for Europe’s maritime professionals for dig-
                              has been active at the EU level together with the   ital, green, and soft management skills) and WESS
                              European Transport Workers Federation to high-  (which supports the European shipping industry’s
                              light the challenges emerging concerning seafarers’   initiative to attract and retain the workforce) are
                              safety in conflict areas in addition to issues emerg-  undeniably aimed at this purpose.
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