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                              at least October will provide further relief. By   ing nuclear reactors, which have been granted
                              end-June, around 150 mb of the volumes commit-  permission by regulators to restart after the
                              ted through IEA collective actions and individual   Fukushima disaster.
                              IEA member SPR sales had yet to find their way   Like many other countries, Japan has been facing
                              to the market. With OECD industry stocks still   the problem of a significantly more expensive
                              some 290 mb below their five-year average, such   and difficult energy supply since Russia’s war in
                              builds could help ease market tensions. But with  Ukraine began six months ago.
                              supply increasingly at risk of disruptions, another  The Japanese archipelago is primarily energy
                              price rally cannot be excluded.         dependent on fossil fuel imports, so it seeks to
                                                                      strengthen its renewable energy sources.
                              GREEN LIGHT FOR LARGEST US
                              OFFSHORE WIND FARM                      CANADA AND GERMANY SIGN AGREEMENT
                              Virginia State has given the green light to  ON GREEN HYDROGEN
                              Dominion Energy’s 2.6-GW Coastal Virginia Off-  The governments of Canada and Germany
                              shore Wind (CVOW) project.              signed a cooperation agreement on producing
                                                                      and transporting renewable (or green) hydrogen
                                                                      during Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Canada
                                                                      in August.
                                                                      German Economy Minister Robert Habeck and
                                                                      Canadian Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson
                                                                      signed the agreement at a ceremony in Ste-
                                                                      phensville, Newfoundland, in the presence of
                                                                      German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Canadian
                                                                      Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
                                                                      Trudeau spoke of a “historic step towards our
                                                                      common future” in his speech. “Our goal is clear:
                                                                      to work towards the first exports of Canadian
                                                                      hydrogen to Germany by 2025,” said the Cana-
                                                                      dian prime minister.
                                                                      For his part, the German chancellor stated that the
                                                                      agreement would upgrade the cooperation between
                                                                      the two countries to a more “strategic level”.
                                                                      Newfoundland in Canada is considered a favour-
                                                                      able location for renewable hydrogen produc-
                              This offshore wind farm will be the largest proj-  tion, as it is often windy and sparsely populated.
                              ect of its kind in American waters and will consist   Pure hydrogen (renewable or green hydrogen) is
                              of 176 wind turbines. As of 2026, the wind farm   produced through the electrolysis of water and
                              will be capable of producing enough energy to   the use of electricity from renewable sources and
                              meet the needs of 660,000 homes per year.  emits no greenhouse gases during its production.
                              The project’s budget is $9.8 billion, and the   Currently, the cost of producing renewable
                              offshore wind farm is expected to help Virginia   hydrogen is higher than buying natural gas, but
                              residents to save approximately $3 billion during   experts believe that green hydrogen can reduce
                              its first ten years of operation.       energy bills in the medium term.
                                                                      German energy companies Eon and Uniper have
                              JAPAN RE-EMBRACES NUCLEAR POWER         announced they had signed an MoU with Can-
                              The Japanese government plans to return to  ada’s Everwind on the sidelines of German-Ca-
                              nuclear power by significantly boosting its   nadian talks aimed at importing large-scale
                              nuclear power sector. This controversial sector   renewable hydrogen from Canada by 2025.
                              was hit badly by the Fukushima disaster in 2011   At the same time, the two companies are seek-
                              but is back in the spotlight due to worldwide  ing an agreement to purchase annually up to
                              energy tensions.                        500,000 tonnes of ammonia – the chemical used
                              Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently   in hydrogen transport.
                              announced that he would begin consultations   A green hydrogen and ammonia production plant
                              on the possible construction of next-genera-  will be built in the Point Tupper village in the
                              tion nuclear reactors, which marks a U-turn in   Canadian province of Nova Scotia. “The facility
                              government policy since the Fukushima crisis.  is at an advanced stage of development, and
                              The Japanese Prime Minister also said the gov-  commercial operation is expected to begin in
                              ernment intended to maximise the use of exist-  early 2025,” according to Eon.
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