P. 148

Recent trends in marine technology and innovation

                              Edited by:
                              Nikos Vergounis

          AP Moller-Maersk has signed a contract with
          Denmark-based REintegrate, a subsidiary of
          renewable energy firm European Energy, for the
          supply of green fuel for its first ship to run on
          carbon-neutral methanol.
          REintegrate and European Energy will jointly
          build a new Danish facility to produce nearly
          10,000t of carbon-neutral e-methanol, the
          expected annual requirement for the operation of
          that Maersk’s carbon-neutral liner vessel. Maersk
          will work closely with REintegrate and European
          Energy on the development of the facility.
          The methanol facility will use renewable energy
          and biogenic CO₂ to produce the e-methanol. Fuel
          production is expected to start in 2023. A Kassø,
          Southern Denmark solar farm will provide the
          energy needed for power-to-methanol production.  the delivery of single Rotor Sails onboard two
          “This partnership could become a blueprint for   liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered, wind-as-
          scaling green fuel production through collabora-  sisted CO₂ newbuild carriers commissioned by
          tion with partners across the industry ecosystem.   the Northern Lights JV. Northern Lights JV is
          It will provide us with valuable experience as we   developing the transportation and storage com-
          progress on our journey to decarbonise our cus-  ponent of the Norwegian Longship project to
          tomers’ supply chains. Sourcing the fuels of the   decarbonise industrial emissions.
          future is a significant challenge, and we need to   The two liquified CO  carriers will be equipped
          be able to scale production in time. This agree-  with one 28x4mNorsepower Rotor Sail on each
          ment with European Energy/REintegrate brings   vessel. Following calculations, Norsepower esti-
          us on track to deliver on our ambition of having   mates that the Rotor Sails will reduce each ves-
          the world’s first container vessel operated on  sel’s fuel and CO₂ emissions by approximately
          carbon-neutral methanol on the water by 2023,”   5%. The Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution is a
          says Henriette Hallberg Thygesen, CEO of Fleet   modern version of the Flettner rotor, a spinning
          & Strategic Brands, A.P. Moller - Maersk.  cylinder that uses the Magnus effect to harness
                                                  wind power and generate thrust, reducing fuel
          NORSEPOWER TO INSTALL ROTOR SAILS  consumption and emissions.
          ONBOARD TWO NEWBUILD CO2 CARRIER        The two first-of-a-kind carriers have been designed
          VESSELS                                 by Northern Lights and are being built by Chi-
          Norsepower Oy Ltd.,announced a contract  na-based Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company.
          with Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co. Ltd. for  The vessels will be equipped with Norsepower’s

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