P. 146




          The largest ever vessel in the Neptune   Neptune Lines’ new 200-metre-long  VESSEL PARTICULARS
          Lines fleet                      lady is the largest vessel in the Neptune
                                           Lines fleet and can accommodate up to  Name
          On July 12th, 2022, the naming and  7,000 passenger cars or a combination  Neptune Barcelona
          delivery ceremony for Neptune Lines’  of passenger cars and high & heavy
          M/V Neptune Barcelona was held at the   equipment. The ship has adopted the  Type
          3. Maj Shipyard in Rijeka.       latest technologies in order to reduce  Vehicle Carrier
          The ceremony was honoured by the   greenhouse gas emissions and remove
          presence of the Croatian Prime Min-  sulphur from exhaust gases while light-  Date of delivery
          ister, Andrej Plenkovic, the Minister of   weight material has been used for the  12 July 2022
          Economy and Sustainable Development,   construction of its desks, making it the
          Davor Filipovic, the Minister of Physi-  ship with the lowest CO2 intensity in  Car capacity (RT)
          cal Planning, Construction and State   our fleet.                  6,868 units
          Assets of Croatia, Ivan Paladina, the  Neptune Lines’ strategy to continu-
          Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular   ously upgrade its fleet to ensure it pro-  DWT
          Policy of Greece, Giannis Plakiotakis,  vides quality services to its customers  17,416
          the Commandant of the Hellenic Coast   through sustainable shipping will con-
          Guard Vice Admiral HCG Georgios Alex-  tinue. As Neptune’s Chair of the Board,
          andrakis, and the Ambassador of the   Ms Melina Travlos said, “It is Neptune’s
          Hellenic Republic in the Republic of  choice, decision, and commitment to
          Croatia, H.E. Antonia Katzourou.  work with determination and vision for
          Neptune Barcelona  was designed  a better future for our industry, society,
          and built by 3. Maj, a European ship-  and our people, and a better world for
          yard whose long shipbuilding tradi-  the new generation”.
          tion includes the construction of car
          carrier vessels in line with the high-  NEPTUNE BARCELONA WILL FLY THE
          est standards and safety regulations.     GREEK FLAG.

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