P. 288

From production to seaborne transport & consumption

          DRY BULK                                    Edited by: Giannis Theodoropoulos


          COAL                                     market, adverse weather conditions, and drastic
                                                   changes in supply and demand stability, ensuring
          China shields its coal market            sufficient coal supplies in such conditions.
          Beijing is moving ahead with setting up a coal pro-  The new system will also make better use of coal’s
          duction reserve system by 2027, aiming for energy   supporting role in power generation, China’s
          security through more flexible coal supplies.  National Energy Administration noted.
          According to a document jointly released by the
          National Development and Reform Commission   Indian coal demand on the rise
          and the National Energy Administration of China,   India has reportedly had to sacrifice hydropower
          the country will strive for self-sufficiency by creat-  generation in fiscal year 2023 (which ended on 31
          ing an annual reserve of 300 metric million tonnes   March) as increased energy needs drove it into
          of coal by 2030.                         the arms of coal.
          The creation of the system aims to quickly release   In particular, a Reuters report stated that India’s
          coal production capacity in extreme situations, such   hydropower output recorded the sharpest decline
          as severe fluctuations in the international energy   in the last 38 years. In a broader context, 8.3% of

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