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the container terminal. The function aims to optimise the   as well as sustainable practices it has set in its commitments.
            driving behavior of truck drivers by detecting extreme driv-  At the same time, PCT HPCS is an electronic platform
            ing behaviors and alerting the driver of any deviation from   designed and developed entirely by PCT's IT Department,
            environmentally responsible driving. The ultimate goal is to   which interconnects multiple IT systems that collectively
            achieve optimal driving behavior while ensuring a reduction   comprise the port community. By digitising the services pro-
            in greenhouse gas emissions.                       vided to all stakeholders, the Company has increased pro-

            CATOS (Computer Automated Terminal Operating System) is   cessing speed, immediate exchange of information (exports,
            the core application for Operations and container traffic at the   imports, uploads, consolidations, dangerous goods and other
            Terminal . It is an all-in-one operating system designed and   statistics), minimising paperwork errors and increased secu-
            configured to maximise productivity and increase the quality   rity of transactions. The PCT HPCS plays an important role
            of services that PCT offers to its clients. The system places   in promoting sustainable business practices and effective
            optimised automation technologies through friendly manage-  governance through improved operational transparency and
            ment environment to achieve the highest competitiveness and   efficiency.
            productivity of the Terminal allowing the planning of berthing,   The ever-expanding utilisation of Information Technology (IT)
            the allocation of human resources, but also vessel and yard   and Communication Technologies in PCT is a catalytic factor
            operation respectively. Then, a different implementation of   in the continuous improvement of its operation. In cooperation
            the same system allows the above to be monitored in real   with PCT Process Excellence Department, PCT IT Depart-
            time, while finally there are detailed performance reports that   ment integrates automated and digitised applications into
            contribute to any adaptive changes.                the Company's operating model, simplifying and speeding
            In early 2024, PCT installed the latest version of CATOS,   up processes, further enhancing worker safety, securing
            improving specific aspects of its operation and aiming to   transactions and reducing costs and the port's environmen-
            strengthen the sustainable practices adopted by the organisa-  tal footprint. The continuous investment in digitisation is for
            tion. Currently 90 customisation requests are underway from   PCT an additional competitive advantage and the foundation
            the Company to the system designers signaling the organisa-  of the development of Piraeus into a leading, competitive
            tion's commitment to further enhance both the productivity   commercial hub in Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean.

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