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In the dynamic landscape of the port industry and logistics, port of Gdańsk and another with the port of Ashdod. In addi-
ThPA S.A. is the "gateway" to growth and opportunities for the tion, with dynamic participation in national and international
Greek economy and society. With a pivotal role in the transport exhibitions and initiatives to host events in Thessaloniki, such
of international cargo, the Port of Thessaloniki is more than as the 7th "Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum" and the 1st "South-
just a port. east Europe Connectivity Forum", ThPA S.A. reinforces the role
The implementation of the development plan and the initia- of the Port of Thessaloniki as a port of international impor-
tives of ThPA S.A. are constantly strengthening the role of the tance, contributing to the country's extroversion. In the fields
Port of Thessaloniki globally, as the multi-gateway intermodal of logistics, tourism and the development of green practices,
network and logistics solutions provider for the Balkans and ThPA S.A. participates in innovation projects creating a sig-
the broader Southeast, Central and Eastern European region. nificant socio-economic impact in the Balkan and the broader
Southeast, Central and Eastern European region.
From 2018 to 2023, ThPA S.A. has invested more than €71.3
million to upgrade its equipment, infrastructure and services, Dynamic contribution of Cruise to the tourism development
creating additional growth prospects for its partners, Thessa- of Thessaloniki
loniki and the wider region. The highest container throughput The significant growth of cruise in Thessaloniki and the wider
ever recorded at the Port of Thessaloniki in 2023 is another region highlights a destination with a unique archaeological,
milestone. historical, cultural and gastronomic identity. The continuous
Additionally, ThPA S.A. is constantly enhancing its connec- upgrading of ThPA S.A.’s services and infrastructure solidifies
tivity, offering reliable, cost-efficient and green logistics solu- the trust of the cruise companies, which include Thessaloniki
tions and intermodal rail services with direct rail connectivity in their schedule. In 2023 ThPA S.A. invested in the creation
between the Port of Thessaloniki and Bulgaria (Sofia), Serbia of the new Cruise Terminal "Alexander the Great", with the
(Nis) and the Republic of North Macedonia (Skopje). capacity to serve more than 6,000 passengers and crews of
2 cruise ships simultaneously. The Port of Thessaloniki is the
Extroversion and international outlook first port in Greece that has adopted the automated Schengen
New synergies are a significant part of the ThPA S.A. strategy Entry/Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information
and in 2023 two new agreements were signed, one with the and Authorization System (ETIAS).