P. 203

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                                    Euronav has proceeded to ‘green invest-    Specifically, high-frequency data plays
                                    ments’ such as investments in Variable     an essential role in fleet performance
                                    Frequency Drivers (VFDs) and advanced      optimisation with multiple applications.
                                    anti-fouling coating for hull, propeller,   Voyage optimisation and machinery per-
                                    and other hull appendices. The goal is     formance are also crucial in optimising
                                    to reduce operational costs and alleviate   the fleet’s performance, together with
                                    the company’s financial exposure to GHG    onboard energy-saving devices that are
                                    Emissions Taxonomy while complying         based on a robust ROI analysis.
                                    with the present and future EU regulatory   The crew plays a significant role in imple-
                                    framework (EU ETS, Fuel EU).               menting technological developments to
                                    Additionally, increasing the company’s     expedite the return on investment and
                                    competitiveness and improving its repu-    ensure the ship’s safe operation. Hence,
                                    tation within the industry are also major   crew training is required to ensure the
                                    objectives of fleet optimisation invest-   proper operation of the vessel and build
                                    ments. To this end, these investments      up the crew’s confidence in the opera-
                                    can support the company’s decarboni-       tion of energy-saving devices. By cul-
                                    sation pathway while ensuring its com-     tivating the necessary crew mentality,
                                    pliance with the IMO requirements and      an in-depth examination of the vessel’s
                                    achieving internal ESG goals.              existing operational profile and its further
                                                                               optimisation can be achieved.
                             What technologies is your company implement-
                             ing to optimise its fleet? How challenging is it to   Do you believe larger companies have an advan-
                             integrate the latest technological developments   tage in implementing fleet optimisation strat-
                             with the human element?                    egies?
                                    Euronav has formulated a fleet optimisa-   Uniformity is an essential factor for larger
                                    tion strategy that is continuously updated   companies regarding fleet optimisation
                                    via a set of operational and technical     strategies and integrated systems. How-
                                    measures suitable for the managed fleet.   ever, larger companies can redirect part

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