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visual analytics to trigger alarms in various Do you believe that larger companies have an advan-
scenarios. For instance, these cameras can tage in implementing fleet optimisation strategies?
detect instances where a seafarer is not Larger shipping companies often have cer-
wearing their protective gear, prompting tain advantages when it comes to imple-
timely intervention. Another example is the menting fleet optimisation strategies.
utilisation of virtual or augmented reality Companies with a large fleet size can ben-
systems. Through these systems, employ- efit from economies of scale in purchas-
ees can don special high-tech 3D glasses ing fuel, maintenance services, and other
to be virtually transported in real-time from operational expenses, potentially reducing
their offices to the ship’s environment. This costs per vessel or unit of cargo trans-
immersive experience allows them to feel ported. Commonly, larger shipping com-
as if they were physically present onboard panies have greater financial resources and
the vessel. access to advanced technologies, allowing
These examples represent just a glimpse them to invest in sophisticated fleet opti-
of what lies ahead. AI holds considerable misation tools and systems. Such compa-
promise for the shipping industry, and it nies often have more extensive data col-
would be wise for shipping companies to lection capabilities due to their larger fleet
consider its adoption as they embark on size and broader operational reach. This
their digitalisation journey. wealth of data enables them to conduct
more comprehensive analyses and make
What is the primary driver for fleet optimisation more informed decisions when optimising
investments? fleet performance. Larger shipping com-
Once a shipping company successfully panies may also have dedicated teams or
quantifies factors that were previously departments focused on fleet optimisation,
challenging to measure in its fleet perfor- comprising experienced professionals with
mance, the subsequent step on the roadmap specialised knowledge in areas such as data
involves optimisation. analytics, route optimisation, and technical
Fleet optimisation investments are typically maintenance.
driven by a combination of factors, but the However, smaller shipping companies can
primary drivers often include cost reduction still compete effectively by leveraging their
and efficiency improvement. Regarding the agility, flexibility, and niche market focus.
decrease in operating costs, by optimis- They may adopt simpler, more streamlined
ing vessel routes, fuel consumption, and fleet optimisation strategies tailored to their
maintenance schedules, shipping compa- specific needs and operational constraints.
nies can lower their fleet-related expenses. Additionally, advancements in technology
Compliance with regulations and the safety and the availability of third-party optimisa-
of vessels are also critical concerns for fleet tion solutions have made some optimisation
managers. Investments in optimisation tools more accessible to smaller companies.
technologies and systems can help compa-
nies meet regulatory requirements, moni- How efficient and safe is the interoperability of
tor equipment, and enhance overall safety the new digital platforms for monitoring ship per-
standards. formance, ensuring compliance, and facilitating
Additionally, environmental concerns can be reporting?
a motive for investing in fleet optimisation. The efficiency of interoperability in new
With growing awareness of environmental digital platforms depends on several fac-
issues, many companies invest in fleet opti- tors, such as data integration and stand-
misation to reduce their carbon footprint and ardisation. Interoperability relies on the
minimise emissions. This can involve adopt- seamless exchange of data between differ-
ing cleaner technologies, optimising routes ent systems and platforms. Efficient data
to reduce fuel consumption, and implement- integration ensures that information from
ing eco-friendly practices. various sources can be accurately collected,
Lastly, companies that invest in fleet optimi- processed, and analysed. If the systems are
sation can gain a competitive edge by offer- well-designed and standardised, interoper-
ing more reliable and cost-effective services ability can be more efficient and safer.
to charterers compared to their competitors, The standardisation of data formats, pro-
thus helping to attract and retain premium tocols, and communication interfaces is
charterers in a competitive market. crucial for interoperability. When different