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                                                                            control mechanisms, are necessary to
                                                                            safeguard data integrity and protect
                                                                            against unauthorised access or tamper-
                                                                            ing. Digital platforms can enhance com-
                                                                            pliance monitoring by providing real-time
                                                                            data on ship performance, emissions, fuel
                                                                            consumption, and other relevant param-
                                                                            eters. By automating the reporting pro-
                                                                            cesses and ensuring accuracy,  these
                                                                            platforms facilitate regulatory compliance
                                                                            and reduce the risk of non-compliance
                                                                            penalties. The effectiveness of digital
                                                                            platforms also relies on the training and
                                                                            support provided to their users. Proper
                       As connectivity increases,                           training ensures that operators can uti-
                     cybersecurity will become even                         lise the platforms effectively, reducing the
                     more crucial to protect ships                          likelihood of errors and improving overall
                       from cyber threats such as                           safety and efficiency.
                      hacking and malware. Robust                           Overall,  the  efficiency  and  safety  of
                    cybersecurity measures will need                        interoperability in new digital platforms
                     to be implemented to safeguard                         for maritime monitoring and reporting
                      sensitive data and critical                           depend on multiple factors. When these
                                 systems.                                   aspects are well-addressed, interoperable
                                                                            systems can significantly enhance oper-
                                                                            ational efficiency, regulatory compliance,
                                                                            and safety in the maritime industry.

                                                                     What, in your view, is the future of connectivity
                                                                     and telecommunications in the shipping industry?
                                                                            The future of connectivity and telecom-
                                                                            munication in the shipping industry is
                                                                            likely to be driven by advances in tech-
                                                                            nology, such as satellite communications
                                                                            and cybersecurity. With regard to satellite
                                                                            communication, continued advancements
                                                                            in satellite technology will enable ships
                                                                            to stay connected to the Internet even in
                                                                            remote areas of the ocean. High-speed
                                  platforms adhere to common standards, it   satellite internet will facilitate real-time
                                  becomes easier to integrate and exchange   data transmission, improving communi-
                                  data reliably. Therefore, implementing    cation between ships and onshore teams.
                                  the International Organisation for Stand-  As connectivity increases, cybersecurity
                                  ardisation (ISO) for shipboard data serv-  will become even more crucial to protect
                                  ers used to share field data at sea (ISO   ships from cyber threats such as hacking
                                  19847) and standard data for shipboard    and malware. Robust cybersecurity meas-
                                  machinery and equipment (ISO 19848) is    ures will need to be implemented to safe-
                                  beneficial for software systems. Moreo-   guard sensitive data and critical systems.
                                  ver, initiatives like the International Mar-  Overall, the future of connectivity and tel-
                                  itime Organisation’s (IMO) standardised   ecommunication in the shipping industry
                                  formats for electronic reporting, such as   will revolve around leveraging technology
                                  Automatic Identification Systems (AIS),   to enhance efficiency, safety, and sus-
                                  contribute to improved interoperability.   tainability. It will involve a combination
                                  Securing data exchanges is crucial,       of advanced communication systems,
                                  especially in  the maritime industry,     data analytics, automation, and emerg-
                                  where sensitive information is involved.   ing technologies to transform the way
                                  Robust cybersecurity measures, including   goods are transported across the world’s
                                  encryption, authentication, and access    oceans.

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