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expertise necessary to achieve this goal and a know-how and expertise of European shipyards
maritime know-how that can outperform global and maritime equipment manufacturers, com-
competitors. After all, for European shipyards, bined with their global technological leadership,
global competition should be based on the high- form a strong basis for Europe to turn the tide
est environmental and quality standards instead and bounce back. The twin green and digital
of injurious pricing practices. transitions offer major promising opportunities
The current political environment, characterised to outperform global competitors in quality, effi-
by heightened geopolitical tensions and poten- ciency, and safety.
CHALLENGES AND tially less reliable trading partners, has forced The Work Ahead: A Maritime Industrial Strategy
European policymakers to shift their political
To avoid a further decline in its shipbuilding
mindset. Previously advocating open trade and
PROSPECTS OF EUROPEAN competitiveness, the European Commission is capabilities and maritime know-how, SEA
Europe has called upon the European Commis-
now favouring a more prudent and less naïve
approach, being open to like-minded trading
sion to urgently take the necessary steps in sup-
SHIPBUILDING partners while applying a policy of “strategic port of the consolidation and reinforcement of
autonomy” and “de-risking” for potentially
European shipbuilding and the introduction of
adversary countries.
This shift towards a policy of strategic auton- framework conditions that support the business
case for a sustainable and digitalised maritime
omy and de-risking can now also be observed transport industry. These measures should be
in shipbuilding. With the lessons learned from part of a comprehensive and holistic sectoral
the pandemic, the energy crisis, and the war maritime industrial strategy based on four dif-
in Ukraine, the European Commission and the ferent but intertwined building blocks:
EU Member States have become aware of the
serious economic and security risks linked to • Industrial sovereignty and compet-
Europe’s strong dependence on Asian ship- itiveness
building. Therefore, a further decline in Europe’s The main challenges facing European
shipbuilding capacity must not only be avoided shipyards are the distortion of compe-
but reversed. In this respect, the innovative tition and unfair trading practices by
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