P. 182


                                                                             Gary Nixon,
                                                                             General Manager at Jotun Hellas Ltd,
                                                                             Jotun Performance Coatings,
                                                                             talks to
                                                                             Giannis Theodoropoulos

          A CLEAN HULL                                                     ❶      What role will innovation play in
                                                                                  Jotun’s development plans?
                                                                           Our global R&D network is the backbone of
          ENSURES                                                          our industry-leading innovation and tech-
                                                                           nology. Jotun has been dedicated to pro-
                                                                           tecting properties worldwide for almost a
          CLEANER                                                          century. Our global R&D network powers
                                                                           industry-leading innovation and technol-
                                                                           ogy, with the heart of Jotun’s research and
          OPERATIONS                                                       development based in Sandefjord, Nor-
                                                                           way. As a global leader in the paints and
                                                                           coatings industry, Jotun’s R&D initiatives
                                                                           are always in sync with the latest trends
                                                                           worldwide. We strive to provide the best
                                                                           solutions possible, and often, a new Jotun
                                                                           innovation will emerge at a local level and
                                                                           go through various stages of development
                                                                           and testing before being implemented on a
                                                                           local, regional, or global scale. We are proud
                                                                           to support these processes and our global
                                                                           operations with a truly global presence of
                                                                           several regional laboratories. Our regional
                                                                           R&D hubs include Europe, East Europe and
                                                                           Central Asia, the Middle East, Southeast
         In his interview with Naftika Chronika, Gary Nixon                Asia, Northeast Asia, and the Americas. We
         comments on the contribution of the marine coating                remain committed to protecting property
         industry to reducing the environmental footprint of               worldwide and will continue to push the
         shipping and describes Jotun’s future plans.                      boundaries of innovation.

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