P. 141
❶ Shipping is facing a shortage of sea- embark on seafaring careers and tackle the
farers, which is a significant chal- challenges of recruiting and retaining skilled
lenge for the industry’s future. What personnel.
strategies can the shipping industry The enforcement of existing legislation and
implement, and what initiatives can legally binding legislative initiatives is vital for
it undertake to increase the attrac- addressing urgent areas within the industry,
tiveness of the seafaring profession? such as mandatory due diligence, which will
Looking at shipping, we observe a shortage push companies to ensure their supply chains
of seafarers, an ageing workforce, and a high are free of exploitation and abuse, tackling
attrition rate. Although the profession has fatigue at sea, the falsification of the work/rest
always faced particular challenges, it has now hours records, and seafarer criminalisation
become evident that something has to be done when something goes wrong at sea, particu-
regarding labour shortages, as many seafarers larly if it relates to unintentional marine pollu-
choose to give up their careers in merchant tion. Other areas include tackling the gaps in
the social protection and pension regimes of
shipping not only because of the physically
© Sven Van Gestel Photography of its specificities, like being away from home meaningfully preventing EU-controlled ships
demanding nature of the work but also because
seafarers, combatting bullying and harassment,
for months. The high number of active sea-
from changing to Flags of Convenience, and
creating quality EU jobs and training opportu-
farers abandoning their careers highlights the
need to make the profession more attractive.
nities for EU seafarers. The latter can happen
by revising the Maritime Transport State Aid
When discussing the issues of seafarer short-
ages and attrition, as well as the sector’s
attractiveness, we should start by looking
port should have more substantial obligations
to EU citizens and seafarers. Finally, it must be
for ways to improve the working conditions, Guidelines - shipowners receiving state sup-
well-being, and career prospects of seafarers. ensured that cases like the P&O’s dismissal of
Although the role of stakeholders and social shipping staff are not repeated in the future.
partners is vital, governments and EU institu- We can also consider other essential areas, such
tions also play a crucial role, so it is high time as promoting a culture of respect for diversity,
they assumed their responsibilities. Guide- ensuring access to quality healthcare services
lines, Best Practices, and Recommendations both onboard and onshore, offering reliable,
implemented voluntarily are not enough. In free-of-charge internet connectivity, and
reality, the industry needs effective enforce- improving recreational and sanitary facilities.
ment of existing legislation and compulsory These are some of the main demands and con-
measures. If the rules are not working, we cerns of seafarers. Tackling them could make
must change them. the profession more attractive to new work-
Recently, the ETF announced its horizontal ers, particularly women, who are significantly
Manifesto for European Elections 2024: “A underrepresented in our industry.
New Deal for Fair Transport” and the Seafarers
and Dockers Manifesto for a fair Maritime Sec- ❸ During the COVID-19 pandemic, the
tor. These documents and the other sectoral global community acknowledged the
ETF Manifestos are not just a set of demands pivotal role of seafarers employed on
but a roadmap towards fairness, safety, and merchant ships. After that extremely
respect for all transport workers. challenging period, what actions
Europe is still far from ensuring a socially sus- have been taken to improve seafar-
tainable shipping and port sector, fair com- ers’ work-life balance and combat
petition in the EU maritime cluster, and a just fatigue at sea?
transition for maritime workers. The aim is for The pandemic exposed the fragility and vulner-
the European and UK Dockers and Seafarers to ability of the global supply chain, with seafar-
enjoy the benefits of a fair maritime industry. ers being pushed to their limits. As countries
entered lockdowns to stop the spread of the
❷ On this last note, what measures can virus, hundreds of thousands of seafarers were
be taken to increase job satisfaction left stranded at sea, denied repatriation and,
within seafaring? What feedback do in many cases, access to shoreside medical
you receive from seafarers about support.
improving conditions on board? Despite their critical role in securing global
The realities of seafaring must be improved supply chains, seafarers were neglected during
to make it easier to convince young people to the pandemic and received supportive words