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 Mr Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data and how it   repeat work already done by others and cannot   required to perform in order to operate effec-
 can enhance vessel performance.  reap any of the benefits offered by solutions that   tively. These include tasks such as route plan-
                      incorporate learnings from multiple companies      ning (for minimum fuel consumption and safety),
                      into modelling processes. This pathway is a liv-   responding to  weather conditions, altering
                      ing nightmare – I strongly urge no company to      speeds, watchkeeping, reporting, cargo planning,
                      consider it.                                       and many others. These are currently part of the
                      Secondly (and very positively), technology has
                                                                         core “in-house” skills all seafarers must master.
 AI ΙS ALREADY        rapidly advanced in results. Today’s solutions do   However, as technology develops, these tasks
                                                                         will, and are, becoming increasingly automated
                      more than “evaluate” a fleet’s performance - they
 AN ABSOLUTE          radically improve it (by up to 10% in DeepSea’s    – often completed to a higher standard than
                                                                         human workers are capable of.
                      case). These well-proven approaches are fast
 NECESSITY            becoming standard in the industry, so anyone       The ‘captain of the digital age’ has a broad
                                                                         understanding of all these areas – like the CEO
                      looking to “strategically” build these capabilities
                      in-house needs to be certain of their success      of a company – and, importantly, understands
                      and able to beat what’s already out there.         how they fit together to achieve a strategic goal.
                      For companies of all sizes, the game is now        They understand which ‘levers’ they can pull to
                      about choosing the right tools. For example,       achieve their objectives. Seafarers will develop
                      when was the last time anybody built their own     specialisations that facilitate the interaction
                      internet browser in-house?                         between, and processes around, these different
 Big data analysis is considered vital to boosting the operational       systems. Their task will become, in many ways, a
 performance of vessels. Will it become necessary for compa-  New technologies are expected to alter the necessary   specialised form of general management.
 nies to employ people with relevant knowledge to perform   skills set a seafarer should have. Does this refer mainly   Critically, they will need to have a good under-
 in-house evaluations of their fleets’ performance? Will this be   to their general familiarity with technology, or are there   standing of the limitations of each technological
 possible for smaller companies, or will outsourcing become a   explicit skills that will be deemed essential for seafarers   system they use and what, in exceptional circum-
 common practice?   in the future?                                       stances, should be done manually. Today’s airline
  I would say the opposite is true. In terms of under-  Very much in line with my previous answer, we’re   pilots already work this way – their primary job
 standing and improving vessel performance, we’re   already seeing the same sort of transition hap-  is not to be specialists in manual flight. Today’s
 reaching the limit of what any shipping company can   pening on board vessels. There are a series   planes are highly automated, and most of the
 do internally - regardless of company size. In fact, to   of core functions that a vessel will always be   flying is done by the aircraft’s computer systems.
 be more specific, we are reaching the limit of what
 they can do accurately.
 That happens naturally in every industry – a technol-
 ogy or approach gradually becomes increasingly spe-
 cialised – and delivers more and more impact. There
 is, of course, a complexity limit to what any company
 can – and should – consider doing ‘in-house’. Until a
 few years ago, ‘industry standard’ approaches to fleet
 performance fell below this limit - so most compa-
 nies invested in people and infrastructure to do this
 themselves. Fleet performance became an in-house   environmentally friendly
 specialisation in the age of noon reports and low fuel   COMPLY WITH EEXI  becker products
 That age is over, and there are two fundamental rea-  The easily installed Becker Mewis Duct®, for vessels        Picture © Ein Dahmer
 sons why. Firstly, technology has rapidly advanced in   with a high block coefficient, reduces SO X , NO X  and CO 2
 complexity. Every serious owner or operator is now   emissions. The device is placed in front of the propeller,
 either deploying – or planning to deploy – a bank of   has no moving parts, reduces noise, and saves energy
 approaches, including high-frequency data collec-
 tion, advanced modelling techniques (such as AI), and   by 6% on average.
 cloud-based infrastructure. Attempting to build the
 expertise to do all this in-house is a fool’s errand, as
 many companies have found to their detriment. While
 larger and even smaller companies have built very   Right: 177,000 DWT Bulk Carrier Pounda
 impressive in-house systems, maintaining and keeping   Owner: TMS Dry
 these systems up to date as technology advances   Becker Mewis Duct® (retrofitted)

 by    become increasingly expensive, and the risk of being
 Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos    stuck with a legacy solution becomes unavoidable.
 Co-founder and CEO, DeepSea
 At the same time, the company’s in-house teams can
              Manoeuvring      Energy-Saving
 100          Systems          Devices          Daggerboard               
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106