P. 58


          Maritime Regulation is crucial for promot-  and ZIM, committed to 100% adoption of
          ing the uptake of sustainable and scalable   an electronic bill of lading (eBL) based on
          fuels in shipping, notes ECSA in a recent   DCSA standards by 2030. Switching away
          statement.                         from the transfer of physical paper bills of
          ECSA says that as trialogue negotiations   lading could save stakeholders $6.5 bil-
          on the FuelEU Maritime enter their final  lion in direct costs, enable $30-40 billion
          phase, ensuring the final text contributes   in annual global trade growth, transform
          to a successful energy transition of ship-  the customer experience and improve sus-
          ping is critical. To that end, all hands-on   tainability.
          deck must make sufficient quantities of   The bill of lading is one of the most critical
          low- and zero-carbon fuels available in   trade documents in container shipping. It
          the market at an affordable price.  functions as a document of title, a receipt
          Therefore, ECSA calls on the European  for shipped goods and a record of agreed
          Parliament and the Council to support   terms and conditions. Ocean carriers issue
          the mandatory inclusion of fuel suppliers   around 45 million bills of lading a year. In
          under the scope of FuelEU Maritime as  2021, only 1.2% of these were electronic.
          proposed by the European Parliament. It   Manual, paper-based processes are
          is vital to ensure that shipowners are not  time-consuming, expensive and environ-
          unduly penalised if the sustainable fuels  mentally unsustainable for stakeholders
          necessary for compliance are not deliv-  along complex supply chains. In addi-
          ered. As proposed by Parliament in Renew-  tion, paper-based processes break down
          able Energy Directive III, this provision and   when cargo in ports cannot be gated out
          a binding target for ship fuel suppliers are   because original bills of lading or title
          essential for shipping’s energy transition.  documents fail to arrive or cannot be man-
          In addition, ECSA supports the introduc-  ually processed in time. In contrast, digital
          tion of a high multiplier for using sustain-  processes enable data to flow instantly
          able and scalable fuels for shipping under   and securely, reducing delays and waste.
          the FuelEU Marine Regulation.      Transforming document exchange through
                                             the eBL will accelerate digitalisation to
          INCREASES IN SUEZ CANAL            benefit customers, banks, customs/gov-
          TANKER TRANSIT FEES                ernment authorities, providers of ocean
          The Canal  Authority has recently  shipping services and all maritime supply
          announced that it will increase the fees   chain stakeholders.
          for the passage of tankers through the
          Suez Canal. The new increase will apply  GTT EXPECTS ORDERS OF UP TO
          to tankers carrying crude oil or refined  450 LNG CARRIERS BETWEEN
          products and will take effect from 1 April  2023 AND 2032
          this year.                         GTT, a French company specialising in                                                                                                                                         M/T LITA
          The charges for laden tankers  will   cryogenic containment and ultra-low tem-
          increase from 15% to 25% -as a percent-  perature systems for LNG carriers, expects                                                                           M/T APHRODITE
                                                                                                                                                                         301503 DWT, BUILT 2018, JAPAN MARINE UNITED, ARIAKE, JAPAN
          age of the transit fees- while for ballast   market growth in the coming years and
          tankers, they will increase from 5% to 15%.  an increasing number of LNG carriers on                                                   301000 DW, BUILT 2020, JAPAN MARINE UNITED, ARIAKE SHIPYARD, JAPAN
          According to the Canal Authority, the   order book over the next ten years.
          surcharges have been imposed due to   Specifically, in a recent press release on
          the rates increase in the tanker market.   its financial results, GTT estimates that
          However, they are temporary and may be   between 2023 and 2032, the order book
          changed or cancelled depending on the   will include 400 to 450 LNG carriers,
          changes in the maritime transport market.  reflecting the prediction that LNGCs will
                                             undoubtedly be investors’ number one
          DCSA’S MEMBER CARRIERS COMMIT  choice regarding ships with a lower envi-
          TO A FULLY STANDARDISED,           ronmental footprint.
          ELECTRONIC BILL OF LADING BY       At the same time, the company expects
          2030                               up to ten FSRU orders, not including con-
          Digital Container Shipping Association  versions, five FLNG units, between 25 and
          announced that nine ocean carriers,  40 VLECs, and between 25 and 30 units
          namely MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-  for onshore and GBS tanks in the next ten
          Lloyd, ONE, Evergreen, Yang Ming, HMM   years by 2032.

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