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BENEVOLENCE                                                                                                                          30                                     0

         SURGICAL SIMULATION LAB                  by the nonprofit Regeneration & Progress in
         INAUGURATED AT ATTIKON HOSPITAL          collaboration with NKUA, under the scien-
         IN ATHENS                                tific supervision of the 1st Orthopedic Surgery
         On 26 January 2023, the Attikon University  Clinic and the 3rd & 4th University Surgery
         General Hospital held an inauguration cer-  Clinic of Attikon Hospital.
         emony for the new Surgical Simulation Lab   The training is provided free of charge to
         that will be used in the training of general and   interested general surgeons and orthopaedic
         orthopaedic surgeons.                    surgeons through an exclusive five-year grant
         The creation of the first-ever surgical simula-  from SNF. The Lab is housed in the Attikon
         tion lab in Greece was made possible through   Building of NKUA’s Medical School (AKISA)
         an exclusive grant from the Stavros Niarchos   near the Attikon University General Hospital.
         Foundation (SNF) as part of the Foundation’s
         international Health Initiative. Specifically,  THE SOLIDARITY GESTURES OF THE                                     60
         SNF supported the procurement of four state-  GREEK SHIPPING FAMILY TOWARDS
                                                  THE EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS OF
                                                  TÜRKIYE AND SYRIA
                                                  Τhe “Maria Tsakos” Foundation – Interna-
                                                  tional Center of Maritime Research and Tradi-
                                                  tion, responding immediately to the need for
                                                  humanitarian support and assistance to neigh-
                                                  bouring citizens of Turkiye who were deeply
                                                  affected by the devastating earthquake on 6
                                                  February, organised a shipment of 45 boxes of
                                                  clothing and linen clothing from the Founda-
                                                  tion's facilities in Chios.
                                                  The assistance and support of the Chian
                                                  society made it possible for the immediate
                                                  dispatching of this aid addressed to young
                                                  children and adults as a small token of com-                              30
                                                  passion in the terrible ordeal they are facing.
                                                  The immediate humanitarian response of the
                                                  Foundation was also recognised by the Turkish
                                                  The effort to provide even minimal relief to
                                                  those affected does not stop with the first
                                                  shipment, as the collection of food and med-                               C
                                                  icine to be dispatched to Türkiye is already                                             COSTAMARE INC.
                                                  underway.                                                                                One of the world’s leading owners and providers of containerships
                                                  On Wednesday, 15 February, the M/V Nep-
         of-the-art virtual reality surgical simulators   tune Okeanis sailed from the port of Piraeus
         (one Lap Mentor III, one Robotix Mentor, and   (Car Terminal - G2) bound for Iskenderun
         two Arthro Mentor IIs). In addition to training   Port (Greek name:  Alexandretta) carrying
         practice, the technology also allows for direct   humanitarian aid to Türkiye. The humanitarian
         evaluation of the competence of trainees’  material is part of the aid donated by Greek
         technical work.                          citizens collected by Municipalities, Prefec-                              0
         The Surgical Simulation Lab began piloting   tures, and other agencies. In particular, four
         training in March 2022, and to date, 119 gen-  trucks boarded the Neptune Okeanis carry-
         eral surgeons and 102 orthopaedic surgeons   ing 250 m3 of necessities, such as blankets,
         have been trained, performing a total of 1,125   bedding, heaters, personal hygiene items,
         sessions. The creation and outfitting of the  and medicines, which the Turkish authorities
         Surgical Simulation Lab is part of the educa-  requested as a priority. The ship transporting
         tional programme implemented through the   the humanitarian aid to Türkiye was provided
         SNF Health Initiative to enhance the skills of   free of charge by Neptune Lines Shipping &
         doctors, nurses, medical and nursing students,   Managing Enterprises, managed by Ms Melina
         and EMS personnel.                       Travlos. It is noted that the ship altered its
         The Surgical Simulation Lab and the educa-  scheduled course to reach Iskenderun Port.
         tional programs on trauma are implemented

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