P. 55


 SHIPPING FINANCING: NEW   The event took place on 13 February in
 INITIATIVE BRINGS GREECE AND  Elefsina, where the Onex Elefsis Ship-
 CHINA CLOSER  yards are based. Onex Elefsis Shipyards
 The recent initiative of the Union of Bank-  will become the cornerstone of the Fin-
 ing and Financial Executives of Hellenic   cantieri Group strategy if, as the prime
 Shipping and the Shanghai Lujiazui Finan-  bidder, it is awarded the Hellenic Navy
 cial City Council aims to bring Greece and   programme pursued by the Hellenic Min-
 China closer in matters related to ship-  ister of National Defence.
 ping finance. In a recent online meeting,  Thanks to this milestone agreement, the
 the two parties signed an agreement on   involvement of the Greek industry, not only
 matters of mutual interest that may posi-  referring to the corvette programme, con-
 tively impact the financial system, partic-  tinues. Indeed, the Italian team, consist-
 ularly shipping finance.  ing of Fincantieri, Leonardo - as system
 The agreement was signed by Huang  integrator for the Combat Management
 Hongyuan, representative of the chair unit   System and its naval main sensors, sys-
 of the Lujiazui Financial City Council and   tems, and artillery - and MBDA Italia and
 vice president of the Bank of Communi-  Elettronica, solidly supports the devel-
 cations and George Xiradakis, president  opment of a large breadth shipbuilding
 of the Association of Banking and Finan-  partner with advanced and reliable skills.
 cial Executives of Hellenic Shipping, in  These MoUs follow Fincantieri’s signing an
 Greece.  official agreement with the ONEX Ship-
 Under the agreement, the two parties  yards & Technologies Group last Decem-
 will establish a collaborative network   ber to create a corvette manufacturing
 to stimulate communication between  line & their life-cycle support base, which
 their countries’ shipping companies and   will be located at Onex Naval and Mari-
 financial institutions. Greece and China  time Elefsis Shipyards.
 already maintain strong ties within the   That agreement:
 global shipping industry. After all, Greek   •  provides the terms of collaboration
 shipowners have built hundreds of ships in   for the construction of 2+1 state-of-
 Chinese shipyards in recent years.  the-art technology and top-standard
 As the Deputy Minister of Shipping and   corvettes at Onex Elefsis Shipyards
 Insular Policy, Kostas Katsafados, pointed   along with the necessary upgrades,
 out, in the last fifteen years, the Greeks   improvements, know-how and trans-
 have built more than 1,000 ships worth   fer of technology, equipment, which
 more than $50 billion in China.  are estimated at approximately € 80
 The agreement was also welcomed by   million;
 the president of the Hellenic Chamber   •  is expected to generate the creation
 of Shipping, Dr George D. Pateras, who   of 2,500 direct and indirect new jobs
 said it is an important initiative because it   in the shipbuilding industry;
 involves cooperation between represen-  •  constitutes a multiple-benefit
 tatives of two shipping centres with deep   cooperation for the Greek economy
 knowledge of the shipping industry.  and defence sector while strength-
 ening the prospect of further col-
 ITALIAN DEFENCE COMPANIES   laboration between the two groups
 TO STRENGTHEN COLLABORATION   in future warship and commercial
 WITH ELEFSIS SHIPYARDS AND   shipbuilding programs.
 THE GREEK INDUSTRY FURTHER  The agreement was a critical step in
 Within the framework of teaming up with   the empowerment of domestic defence
 the local industries and strengthening the   production.  The know-how acquired
 collaboration between Italy and Greece,   through the ONEX-Fincantieri collabo-
 Italian shipbuilding company Fincantieri   ration, which involves the whole Italian
 and Leonardo, a leading defence and  industrial ecosystem, will be an import-
 security technologies  company,  have  ant cornerstone in developing competi-
 signed a number of memoranda of under-  tive products that will meet the defence
 standing (MoU) with potential new Greek   requirements of various markets, giving
 suppliers setting the basis for defining  even greater impetus to the rebirth of the
 possible long-term business relationships.  Elefsis Shipyards.

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