P. 53

MELINA TRAVLOS:  Greece. Frankly, I would add that the brain   mal period of gaining experience until  ping. Therefore, immediate interventions
 “OUR SHIPPING INDUSTRY NEEDS    of global shipping is here as well. We have   2026, we are taking advantage of it.”  are needed before the situation becomes
 A UNIFIED VOICE.”  sent a resounding message in every direc-  As far as the EU ETS is concerned, the UGS   irreversible.”
 On Wednesday, 8 February, the Annual   tion,” said Ms Travlos.  president noted that the recognition of the
 Ordinary General Assembly of the Union of   Ms Travlos also referred to the contribution   responsibility of commercial operators is a  A NEW PAGE IN THE REGULATORY
 Greek Shipowners took place in a packed  of shipping to the national economy, under-  significant success, but the challenges of its  FRAMEWORK OF GREEK SHIPPING
 hall at the Eugenides Foundation. Once   lining that Greece’s revenues from shipping   implementation remain.  The new Code of Private Maritime Law was
 again, the Union's board of directors out-  foreign exchange reached 20 billion euros   The position of the president regarding the   adopted by the Plenary of the Parliament
 lined the shipping industry’s short and long-  in 2022 and has historically created hun-  transition of shipping to a green era was clear:   on Thursday, 9 February, with the Minis-
 term priorities, challenges, and prospects.  dreds of thousands of jobs. Furthermore,   “Greek shipping is committed to the green   ter of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy
 The priorities and challenges of the most  she made extensive reference to the inter-  shipping goal but has set two non-negotia-  Giannis Plakiotakis expressing his total
 important institutional and collective body   national shipping environment:  ble parameters: Firstly, there needs to be a   satisfaction, stressing that “the new Code,
 representing Greek ocean-going shipping   “We have been following the international   synergy of all parties involved in the mari-  which was changed after 65 years, brings
 in this period of international economic  public debate on reducing greenhouse   time activity chain, such as energy produc-  the regulatory framework of shipping into
 uncertainty and geopolitical turbulence  gas emissions and working to reach an   ers, engine manufacturers, and shipyards.   the 21st century”.
 are numerous and of vital importance. Ms   agreement to revise the IMO strategy   And secondly, and most importantly, the  As Mr Plakiotakis pointed out from the
 Melina Travlos spoke matter-of-factly and   and choose realistic medium-term mea-  safety of seafarers and ships must be guar-  Parliament podium, the new Code of Pri-
 clearly about her strategic aspirations as   sures. At the same time, we support the   anteed.”  vate Maritime Law “is worthy of the dynam-
 president but mainly underlined the collec-  International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)   Concluding on the central issues that  ics of Greek shipping and creates, if not
 tive priorities of UGS. She also emphasised   proposal for the adoption in the IMO of a   preoccupied UGS last year, Mrs Travlos  the most innovative operating framework
 the need for shipping to be represented by   global financial measure based on a con-  referred to a matter of the highest priority   for a complex and special industry such as
 a single, dynamic voice in Greece and inter-  tribution system (levy) per ton of carbon   for Greek-owned shipping, i.e., the protec-  shipping, then certainly one of the most
 national fora.  dioxide emissions. Regarding the imple-  tion of the seafaring profession and the  modern worldwide”.
 “Our supremacy in the seas is unquestion-  mentation of the Carbon Intensity Indica-  enhancement of the national registry.  Mr Plakiotakis thanked Mrs Lia Athana-
 able, as is our historical adaptability to   tor (the well-known CII) from 1 January, we   “Our competitive advantage is our people   siou, Professor of Law, President of the
 any new order of things. For me, this is due   have said from the beginning that it needs   working on our ships and in our compa-  Legislative Committee, and all its mem-
 to our unity, our individual and collective   to be revised. We warned early on, along   nies. Therefore, the further development   bers, who worked without any remunera-
 potential and, of course, our long-stand-  with international shipping organisations,   of our shipping sector requires suffi-  tion under challenging conditions due to
 ing expertise. Our superiority is universally   that compliance with the CII would present   ciently trained and well-qualified human  the pandemic and finally delivered a legal
 acknowledged. At the Posidonia Exhibition,   weaknesses. Here, too, we had a positive   resources. However, it is disappointing   operating framework for shipping that
 I heard from the foreign delegations that  outcome: non-compliance will not have a   that Greek seamanship is not developing   incorporates every aspect of modern ship-
 the heart of world shipping beats here, in   punitive character, and as we have an infor-  at the same rate as the rest of Greek ship-  ping activity.

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