P. 173


 SHELL CEO: “A LONG WAY TO GO   office on 31  January, Mark  Williams,
 BEFORE THE END OF THE ENERGY   Research Director of Short-Term Refining
 CRISIS”  & Oil Products, said that the oil products
 According to Shell’s CEO Wael Sawan,  price cap, which came into force on 5 Feb-
 Europe’s energy crisis is a “multiyear issue”,   ruary, would have minimal impact on Russian
 and governments will have to work faster   refining crude runs and distillate exports.
 to address gas supply shortages.  “With Russian Urals trading at US$40/
 On the sidelines of the energy giant’s   bbl on an FOB basis, capping the price
 release of its financial results, he empha-  at US$100 per barrel and US$45/bbl,
 sised to analysts that the fact that full   respectively, would still see Russian refin-
 LNG terminals and the mild winter pushed   ing margins of US$20-US$30 per barrel,”
 prices down does not mean a return to nor-  Williams said. “Russian refining economics
 mality. “We are not out of the energy crisis   are still very strong at these levels, so the
 in Europe. We have a long way to go [...] We   incentive to refine crude into oil products
 should not have to rely on the weather,”  remains high.”
 he said.  Alan Gelder, Vice President of Refining,
 It is characteristic that European LNG  Chemicals and Oil Markets at Wood Mack-
 import flows surged last year as the Old  enzie, said that the challenge for Russian
 Continent looked to boost energy security  refiners is finding a pool of new, more dis-
 and replace pipeline gas from Russia. Most   tant buyers to replace the distillate barrels
 of these flows came from the US.  currently clearing into Europe. However, he
 added that with the price cap set at the
 TRILLIONS INVESTED IN GREEN   proposed levels, Russian distillate prices
 ENERGY  could theoretically discount by a further
 Green investments are increasing while  US$200/tonne  vs market benchmarks
 the competition between green energy  before eliminating the commercial incen-
 and fossil fuel projects is fiercer than ever.   tive to operate their refining sector.
 According to an AFP report, investments   Russia has increasingly diversified its dis-
 in green energy will exceed $1 trillion in  tillate exports in recent months, according
 2022, nearly surpassing investments in   to Wood Mackenzie’s VesselTracker data.
 fossil fuels.  However, despite the emergence of new
 This development is an aftereffect of the   export markets for Russian distillates,
 energy crisis sparked by the Russian inva-  the re-distribution of Russian oil product
 sion, according to a BloombergNEF report   trade from the EU import ban does have a
 cited in the AFP article. Investments in  broader market impact. Williams expects
 renewable energy sources, nuclear energy,   Q1 2023 Russian crude runs and diesel
 zero-emission vehicles, and recycling proj-  exports to be ~800 kb/d and ~200 kb/d
 ects amounted to $1.1 trillion in 2022.  lower than Q4 2022 levels, which will sup-
 It is worth noting that the largest investor   port both global crude and diesel prices
 in energy transition projects is China, which   through H1 2023.
 is also the top energy producer worldwide.
 Almost 50% of the total investment was  GREECE-BULGARIA DEALS CHANGE
 on Chinese soil and focused on recycling,  SE EUROPE’S ENERGY MAP
 renewable energy, and electric vehicles.  Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke of
 agreements that “change the energy map
 RUSSIAN REFINERY PRODUCTS   of Southeast Europe” during a joint state-
 WILL CONTINUE TO FLOW IN 2023   ment with the President of Bulgaria, Ruben
 DESPITE THE EUROPEAN PRICE CAP  Radev, in Athens recently after signing
 The European Commission’s announce-  two memoranda on energy infrastructure
 ment that the EU is proposing a US$100   with the neighbouring country. According
 per barrel price cap on Russian oil prod-  to the prime minister, these agreements
 ucts such as diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline,   (including the possible extension of the
 and a US$45 per barrel cap on discounted   existing Alexandroupolis-Burgas pipeline
 products like fuel oil, would not severely   agreement) will enable the two countries
 impact Russian refiners, according to  to provide energy to the European Union
 Wood Mackenzie.   and contribute to Europe’s energy security.
 Speaking at Wood Mackenzie’s London  Energy Ministers Kostas Skrekas and

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