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              Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and   you do not want anything to distract the inter-
              the International Ship and Port Facility  viewee; you want them to concentrate solely on
              Security (ISPS) Code.               the interview.
              –  Provide a sufficiently flexible technique   Whether you use a desk or two chairs next to
              to allow the customisation of a client’s  each other depends on the situation. But a more
              management system, Health, Safety and   formal setting also concentrates the interview-
              Environment (HSE) programs, or related   ee’s mind, which is especially useful if you sus-                                           Share
              initiatives.                        pect somebody is potentially an offender.
          A standardised, systematic approach to incident   Have ready access to any documents you might
          investigation allows companies to identify the   need: training records, service schedules, emails,
          underlying causes of incidents and to make the   etc. You do not want to get to a crucial part of the
          necessary changes.                      interview and say you need to find a form – you
          Marine incidents, ranging from major accidents   want the interview flow to continue. Initially, put                                     the vision?
          to near misses, are investigated to establish the   the interviewee at ease, ask if they want a drink,
          cause of an incident using various analysis tools.   and ensure they are comfortable. Next, outline
          In this case, a Triangle Analysis of the factors   the interview, so they are as relaxed as they can
          contributing to marine incidents has ranked  be in that setting. You should make mental notes:
          human error when handling a vessel’s machin-  what is their tone of voice like? Do they look                                               We support the “can do” mind set and the aim
          ery, equipment, or outfitting items as the leading   you in the eye? Are they nervous and fidgety, or
          cause of maritime incidents.            are they relaxed and confident? That gives you a                                                   for excellence that has built the Greek shipping success story
          As shown in the Triangle Analysis diagram below,   baseline regarding their normal behaviour. Take
          human error and external factors are at the top   it steady, don’t rush in and don’t be overawed.
          of the triangle, followed by task control issues.   Have only one interviewer – any more can be
          Further down come problems of process con-  overpowering, and you may end up working at
          trol and management and organisational con-  cross purposes. Note-taking is important, but it
          trol issues. An in-depth analysis of the triangle   can also be a giveaway if the interviewee is trying
          increases awareness of how the organisation   to find out what you know. Scribbling furiously
          functions, allowing it to develop corrective and   indicates they are saying something of interest                                          Maritime Educationional Program for Kids
          preventative actions that are more fundamen-  to you. So, take notes out of sequence. If the
          tal in nature and broader in scope, enabling the   interviewee says something interesting, do noth-                                                                Sustaining the excellence
          company to solve problems once instead of sev-  ing; carry on as if you know all about it. Only when                                                                                          Work Study Programs
          eral times.                             they say something innocuous later, pretend that
          Conducting interviews with the personnel  it is interesting while writing down notes from the
          involved: a critical step in incident investigation  answer to three questions before.                                                     Raising awareness                               Connecting Maritime
          Unlike a management interview, where the man-  Ask open questions to which they will need to
          ager drives things forward, the dynamics in an   answer with more than just ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Double                                          of the shipping                                 youth with the actual
          accident investigation interview are usually quite   questions and leading questions are not help-                                         industry, the life and                          business side
          different. As the interviewee might have some-  ful. If the person wants to mislead you, they will
          thing to hide – they might have done something   say whatever is convenient. And if they want to                                           work of seafarers                               of things
          wrong or might be protecting a friend – there is   get the interview over with, they will say what-
          the potential for a hidden agenda.      ever they think you want to hear. So rather than
          That means the manager could be under scrutiny,   asking, ‘Did you see Fred driving the forklift
          even if they do not realise it. The interviewee   truck?’ you should ask, “Did you see who was
          wants to know what is going on. So, they will   driving the forklift truck? If you did, can you iden-
          listen very carefully to what is being asked and   tify them and say who it was?” That way, you’re                                       Join us
          to what is not being asked. They will focus on how   giving away no clues.
          the interviewer responds to things. And they will   A successful interview will lead to information
          even see if the interview can be manipulated.   verification through which the root causes of an
          But, with a careful approach, the interviewer can   incident are determined. These will be analysed
          still keep the upper hand.              later with the triangle method, ultimately reveal-
          You cannot blindly go into an interview like this   ing the company’s management and organisa-
          and hope for the best – you will come unstuck   tional issues. Then, by taking measures and
          and miss half of the important information being   correcting the underlying issues that emerged                                         T   +30-211-1195693   +30-6938509893
          revealed. So, you have to plan where you are   from the root cause analysis, the company will                                            Project Connect – 85 Vouliagmenis Ave, City Plaza, Office 310, Glyfada 16674, Athens, Greece
          going and how you will get there. And be pre-  ensure there will never be a recurrence of such
          pared for surprises on the way.         incidents.
          The room itself must be somewhere quiet. Police   Source: ABS
          interview rooms are quite spartan for a reason:                                                                                           Follow us
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