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         ‘directed’ to take a specific action that is likely   documenting, and trending the causes of
         to be more costly.                            accidents and near misses.
         The International Union of Marine Insurance     –  Assist clients with the investigation of a
         (IUMI) should consider whether there is any   variety of types and sizes of incidents.
         scope to improve existing arrangements, includ-    –  Allow the analysis of losses regardless
         ing a system where the ‘overall claims lead’ in   of whether they are related to safety, the
         the H&M market can be identified quickly by   environment, human element concerns,
         all stakeholders and facilitate earlier dialogue   security, reliability, quality, or business
         between interested parties.                   losses.                                                                        THE FUTURE IN FOCUS
         An Education Steering Group/Committee on Sal-    –  Support Class-related activities such
         vage Contracts, Services & Operations should   as ABS Safety, Quality and Environment
         be established, with an independent chair and   (SQE) notation, as well as the International
         cross-industry representatives.                Increasing depth
         All the above efforts to reduce delays in salvage   of analysis
         operations and pollution prevention must bring
         all the above stakeholders to the dialogue table
         in a mutually acceptable process for concluding
         salvage agreements.
         Source: Skuld

         INCIDENTS                                      Increasing level
                                                        of learning
         The marine industry experiences incidents that
         range from major accidents to near misses.
         These incidents should be investigated since
         many flag administration regulations require it,
         and international agreements, such as the IMO
         “International Safety Management Code”, man-
         date it, and industry initiatives encourage it. In
         addition, an incident investigation is a process   Increasing scope
         designed to help organisations learn from past   of corrective actions
         performance and develop strategies to improve
         Contrary to popular belief, an accident inves-
         tigation interview aims not to find who is guilty
         and who can be blamed but to discover the truth
                                                                                Human error,
         about what has happened. Once that is known,                          External factor
         measures can be implemented to stop it from
         happening again.

         Root cause analysis
         According to ABS, the Marine Root Cause Anal-                       Task control issues
         ysis Technique provides an effective and efficient
         approach for investigating marine incidents of
         any magnitude. ABS developed the MaRCAT
         methodology by customising and combining the
         best techniques available and by proving and                      Process control issues
         improving the overall approach during numerous
         investigations. The MaRCAT approach to inci-
         dent investigation caters to the unique needs of
         the marine industry, including human element,                     Managment control issues
         machinery and engineering, structural, and secu-
         rity concerns. The objectives of the ABS MaRCAT
         approach are as follows:                                                                                              The Net Zero Navigator is a conceptual liquid
              –  Provide ship operators with a technique                                                                       hydrogen carrier that uses NASA-inspired
              to guide incident investigators while con-                 Organizational control issues                         technologies to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
              ducting root cause analyses, identifying,
                                                                                                                               By supporting advanced vessel concepts like this,
                                                                                                                               ABS is pioneering the maritime energy transition.                   
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