P. 111


 generally converse in the working language of   Api anchorage, South Sumatera, Indonesia.
 the ship, which is usually English. However, when   While waiting for cargo export documents and
 a person switches back to their native language,   the departing pilot to embark, four crew mem-
 it can lead to confusion about what exactly hap-  bers were tasked with greasing the booby hatch
 pened. Although it is difficult to change such  dog handles for the No.5 cargo hold.
 a natural reaction, it is recommended that this  During the greasing process, one of the four
 particular topic be emphasised to the crew as  crew members, an able seafarer, was discovered
 part of onboard safety training. In the unfortu-  lying inside the cargo hold on top of the coal
 nate event of a serious incident, they should be   cargo. An emergency rescue was initiated but
 encouraged to try to remain calm, think about   could not save the ASD. The crew had used a
 what message they want to convey and then   totally wrong procedure to rescue the person
 immediately transmit the information clearly and   in danger by using inappropriate equipment
 concisely so that the necessary action can be  (EEBD), resulting in the crew member’s death.
 taken as soon as possible.  The Transport Safety Investigation Bureau clas-
 The means of communication between the  sified the occurrence as a very serious marine
 bridge, engine control room, engine side, and  casualty. The investigation revealed that the
 steering flat are of crucial importance. Ordinarily,   seafarer had entered the cargo hold to retrieve
 telephones will be the principal means of com-  a dropped dog handle and had likely succumbed
 munication and will not need to be tested as  to the oxygen-deficient atmosphere while exit-
 they are used almost daily. However, secondary   ing the cargo hold. The investigation also deter-
 and other backup means of communication will   mined that the greasing task was unplanned, and
 require periodic testing and should be included   the hazards associated with the coal cargo were
 within the vessel’s Planned Maintenance System   overlooked. In addition, there was no proper sig-
 (PMS). Sound-powered telephones, talk-back   nage to warn the crew to treat the cargo hold as
 systems, and remote walkie-talkies that are  an enclosed space.
 infrequently used should be subject to periodic   From the information gathered, the following
 testing. A worthwhile exercise, if not undertaken   findings were made. However, these findings
 already, is to test any handheld walkie-talkie  should not be read as apportioning blame or lia-
 system, be this VHF they UHF, to determine   bility to any particular organisation or individual.
 where any “dead spots” may exist within the   The seafarer had likely entered the No. 5 cargo
 machinery spaces, which could hinder commu-  hold without the knowledge of the other crew
 nications with the bridge team in an emergency   members to retrieve a dog handle. The cargo
 situation. Being aware of any areas of very poor   hold had low oxygen concentrations due to the
 or no radio communication signal in advance  coal cargo. The ASD1 collapsed while climbing
 makes dealing with the issue slightly more man-  out of the cargo hold.
 ageable at a time of high stress.  The maintenance of the booby hatch was an
 Remember that the bridge and engine room  unplanned task and did not require entering the
 teams will need to work together in an emer-  cargo hold. In addition, no provisions had been
 gency; therefore, clear, concise, and measured  made for dropping parts into the cargo hold.
 communication is a crucial factor in ensuring a   The Company’s SMS procedures in English
 successful outcome for all parties - this further   has a section on “enclosed space entry proce-
 highlights the absolute necessity and impor-  dures”, which describes the characteristics of an
 tance of conducting frequent realistic onboard   enclosed space - limited opening for entry and
 drills to prepare the crew for stressful emer-  exit, inadequate ventilation and not designed for
 gency situations in the best possible way. Ashore,   continuous work occupancy, such as cargo space,
 this would also include simulator training where   fuel tank, void space, etc. The procedures state
 specific emergency scenarios can be rehearsed.  that these spaces would be hazardous and could
 Source: Britannia P&I Club  result in rapid death from harmful gases or lack
 of oxygen, and it should never be assumed that
 ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRANCE   a cargo hold or tank is safe.
 FATALITIES ON BOARD: THE CASE OF   The CO had agreed for the deck crew to grease
 M/V “NOZOMI”  the dog handles, and the booby hatch cover had
 been opened to facilitate the greasing. How-
 Factual Information  ever, there was no evidence that reminders had
 On 1 April 2022, after completing the loading of   been given to the crew about the hazards of
 coal cargo, the Singapore registered bulk car-  the coal inside the cargo hold when the booby
 rier, Nozomi, was anchored at the Tanjung Api-  hatch cover was opened. While the crew may be

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