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 MARITIME TECH'S   impossible on seaborne vessels, are   Through these and other collaborations,

                                              we’ve built the premiere vessel perfor-
            now a reality thanks to the prolifera-
 SOLUTIONS   tion of low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites   mance and management software, My
            by networking and telecoms providers.  Digital Fleet™ and Nautical Systems™,
 WILL COME FROM LOOKING  With high-speed internet now avail-  which are collectively installed on over
            able aboard, ships will be able to use
                                              5,000 vessels across the global fleet.
  OUTSIDE   IoT devices and analytics software to   Both platforms leverage next-genera-
            monitor and track environmental perfor-
                                              tion technology developed outside mar-
 THE INDUSTRY  mance in real-time ensure compliance   itime that has been tailored meet fleet
                                              operators’ needs using ABS’ 160 years
            and highlight areas ripe for optimization.
            Operators can use the reports these  of experience in maritime shipping.
            systems generate to build emissions  Together, My Digital Fleet and Nautical
            profiles—which show total emissions   Systems offer operators a comprehen-
            across laden voyages, carbon intensity   sive view of their fleet status based on
            indices, emissions per transport and   the former’s environmental, fuel, per-
 Maritime is among the oldest industries   tions with it, and fleet operators must   distance, and total emissions per con-  formance, and voyage insights and the
 in the book, and emerging technology  act quickly if they are to comply. The   sumer—at the vessel and fleet levels   latter’s asset, compliance, performance,
 has sat at its heart for generations.   United Nations and IMO have outlined   to see how their operations compare  and workforce management tools.
 Since ships first set sail, there have  decarbonization goals in the hopes that   across the enterprise.   Wavesight’s suite is emblematic of our
 been experts and inventors putting their   fleet operators will improve the sustain-  vision of Maritime’s future: one that’s
 minds to work to optimize and enhance   ability of their operations by 2030 and   COLLABORATING FOR A   built collaboration, cooperation, and
 the processes that enable maritime   2050, respectively.   BRIGHTER FUTURE  the realization that we don’t have all
 operations. You can draw a line from  Despite the relatively long timelines   They’re promising technologies, and we   the answers. We believe that, to suc-
 these ancient innovators to today’s   associated with these regulations over-  have other industries to thank for their   ceed on this journey, we will need to
 maritime tech players, and it’s thanks   all, operators will need to act sooner   use. While maritime technology organiza-  work closely with great minds across
 to their work that we can now navigate   rather than later to get up to speed.   tions, like my own, are now putting these   sectors to overcome shipping’s most
 the oceans, ship goods on unthinkably  The first wave of updates has already   tools to work to achieve decarboniza-  pressing challenges, combining our
 large vessels, understand the effects of   taken effect as the UN began enforcing   tion goals, the innovations that enable   knowledge of maritime with the insights
 weather on journeys, and connect the   its rating system and updated emissions   these IoT devices, analytics programs,   and expertise of other industries. After
 ends of the Earth.   guidelines in January of 2023—and   artificial intelligence suites, monitoring  all, the most fertile ground for inno-
 Still, these nautical inventors and indus-  many fleets are falling short. Estimates   equipment, LEO satellites, and more all   vation lies between disciplines—and
 try insiders are not the only figures that   have only one-third of ships meeting   come from progress elsewhere.   innovation is exactly what this industry
 we can thank for the industry’s growth.   the guidelines that came into effect   The work we do relies on deep industry   needs to rise to the occasion, meet the
 Today’s shipping industry is a reflection   earlier this year.  knowledge and experience, but success   present moment, and ensure the future
 not only of the sailors, seafarers, and   For decades, maritime sector busi-  as the UN and IMO deadlines draw near   of our planet.
 ship owners and operators who came  nesses assumed that efficiency would   will hinge on collaboration and out-
 before us but of the forward motion of   come from cleaner fuels and rede-  side-the-box thinking. With the urgent
 technological innovation as a whole.   signed ships, but with the first deadline   need for decarbonization and efficiency
 It’s a fact that we in the industry some-  for compliance already in the rearview   boosts looming over the shipping indus-
 times forget—and it’s one we would  mirror—and more stringent  require-  try and threatening to change how busi-
 do well to remember more often. This   ments on the horizon—the time of   ness is done, it’s time for maritime tech
 is especially true in today’s climate  hoping and waiting for giant leaps for-  leaders double down on and seek out
 because, as shipping becomes more   ward has passed. Now, vessel designers   strategic partnerships that will push
 connected, the solutions to the chal-  and fleet operators must find ways to   shipping forward.
 lenges it faces will increasingly stem  update their legacy vessels to pursue   ABS Wavesight™ is leading the charge
 from collaborations with businesses   cleaner operations without these mir-  toward a more collaborative future. Our
 from all sectors.  acle innovations. And digitalization is   model is built on a culture of participa-
 leading that charge.  tion and partnership with other leading
 THE DREAM OF MARITIME   Modern digitalization software and   companies both within and outside of
 DIGITALIZATION  internet of things (IoT) systems offer   maritime. We’ve benefitted greatly from
 Maritime shipping finds itself at a   shipping companies valuable insights   welcoming input from leaders in tele-
 by Paul Sells,   crossroads. The dawn of this new year   into every facet of their fleets’ opera-  coms, artificial intelligence, construction,
 CEO of ABS Wavesight  is bringing in a new era of regula-  tions. These systems, which were once   and more, and plan to continue to do so.

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