P. 46


          Carbon capture is an alternative technology that eliminates   to dump Calcium Carbonates (CaCO ) straight into the sea.
          the need for alternative fuels, allowing the use of traditional   New ship designs have greatly improved with the introduc-
          carbon-based fuels. The challenge of carbon capture in the   tion of the Energy Efficient Design Index, which has been
          marine environment is handling and storing captured CO ,   implemented since 2016. The minimum improvement for EEDI
          which would require significant space, power, and specialised  Phase III is 30%, but this may not be enough to meet the
          equipment. Some Carbon Capture solutions for ships are CO    2030 targets.
          absorption using ammonium hydroxide, CO  absorption by liq-  Existing ships will have to reduce their propulsion power in
          uid amines, and CO  capture using cryogenic technology. The   one go by 1 January 2023 by implementing EEXI requirements.
          storing and disposing of liquid CO  will be a challenge. There   They are also required to continuously improve their CII rat-
          is an ongoing debate about whether ships should be allowed  ings up to 2026, when the new CII is introduced.

                              CCS using NH4OH                  CCS using cryogenic technology

         The table below shows the commercial fleet’s compliance statistics
         with EEXI/CII requirements as compiled by ABS.

                                                                                        Technology will
                                                                                      change but we will
                                                                                       still need ships
                                                                                         with enhanced
                                                                                        reliability and
                                                                                         These are the
                                                                                      ships that we will
                                                                                       need to build in
                                                                                       the next decades

          Undoubtedly, a lot of work needs to be done to ensure the  other hand, ship-management companies should modernise their
          environmental sustainability of the shipping industry.  operational practices by adopting a “big-data” digitalisation
          In conclusion, new fuels and technologies will have to be ade-  approach in decision-making.
          quately studied and tested before their large-scale use onboard   Ship technology will constantly change, so we should focus
          ships. Research and development in green technologies should   on the reliable, sustainable ships we will need to build in the
          be supported by green state funding.              following decades. Shore-controlled or autonomous ships can
          It may be time to “break the tradition” and work with govern-  come later.
          ments, oil majors, charterers, and shipbuilders towards a sus-  Well-to-wake theories need to be discussed. We should all
          tainable shipping industry. Independent shipowners will need   get our house in order. At the moment, we feel that shipping is
          support to keep ordering and operating their ships. On the   losing this game.

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