P. 137

The conference theme was “Seafarers: Protagonists in the future
                                                               of the shipping industry”.

                                                               The event was followed by a digital debate on EU Green Ship-
                                                               ping entitled “Green Shipping & New Technologies: Innovation
                                                               and Sustainability for the European Maritime Industry” on 22
                                                               October 2021.

                                                               On 24 November, organised a workshop on “SIRE 2.0:
                                                               Opportunities and challenges of the new tanker risk assessment
                                                               tool” at the Eugenides Foundation’s Main Auditorium.

                                                               The first 2022 seminar was held online on 26 January. It was
                                                               entitled “Artificial Intelligence: Research and Applications in the
                                                               Shipping Industry”, while the second, attended in person, took
                                                               place on 28 February at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation
                                                               and was entitled “Current Risks in Shipping: The role of Marine

            Snapshot from the educational seminar              The last educational seminar for the academic year 2021-2022
            titled: “Current Risks in Shipping:                took place at the Eugenides Foundation on 12 May 2022, under
            The role of Marine Insurance”. (L-R):
            Dr. Nicholas Berketis (J. Kouroutis                the auspices of the Managing Authority of the North Aegean
            & Co. Ltd.), Mr Kostas Katsoulieris                Region in collaboration with the Municipality of Oinousses, the
            (North of England P&I Club), Mrs Athina            Οinousses Friends Association and the Oinoussai Benevolent
            Sirimi (The London P&I Club), Mr George
            Mathioudakis (Tsakos Columbia Shipman-             Fund. It was titled “Collectiveness & Transcendence: The Inter-
            agement S.A.), Mr Konstantinos Samaritis           national Dimension of Oinoussian Shipping”. The event was also
            (The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance As-            the premiere of two mini-films produced by, aiming to
            sociation Europe), Mrs Vivi Koliopoulou
            (Angelicoussis Group)                              highlight the maritime tradition and the beauty of the Oinoussian

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